Foraging Oregon by Christopher Nyerges [EPUB: 1493064452]

Foraging Oregon by Christopher Nyerges [EPUB: 1493064452]

  • Title: Foraging Oregon: Finding, Identifying, and Preparing Edible Wild Foods in Oregon (Foraging Series)
  • Author: Christopher Nyerges
  • Pages: 280
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Falcon Guides; Second edition (April 1, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1493064452
  • Download File Format:EPUB

From wild carrot to serviceberries, pineapple weed to watercress, lamb’s quarter to sea rocket, Foraging Oregon uncovers the edible wild foods and healthful herbs of the Beaver State. Fully revised and updated, and helpfully organized by plant families, the book is an authoritative guide for nature lovers, outdoorsmen, and gastronomes.

This guide also includes:

Elderberry Sauce
Mia’s Chickweed Soup
Fireweed Jelly
Shiyo’s Garden Salad
Vegetable Chips
Stinging Nettles Hot Sauce
Wild Bread
Northwest Brickle