Your Brain on Food: How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts and Feelings, Second Edition by Professor Gary L. Wenk [0199393273, Format: PDF]

  • Title: Your Brain on Food: How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts and Feelings, Second Edition
  • Autor: Professor Gary L. Wenk
  • Print Length: 248 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Oxford University Press; 2 edition (December 1, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199393273
  • ISBN-13: 978-0199393275
  • File Format: PDF

In Your Brain on Food, Dr. Gary Wenk expands his discussion of the effects of specific foods on the brain in a completely updated second edition. From investigations into the benefits and risks of supplements, to the action of gluten in the brain and marijuana’s potential for pain relief, Dr. Wenk draws on the latest science to answer a range of fascinating questions such as:
-Is your aluminum cookware hurting you?
-Can tryptophan supplements improve your mood?
-How do fruits and vegetables protect us from aging?
-Why does eating chocolate make you feel so angry?
-Does our brain want us to be obese?

Never forget–everything we consume can affect how we think, feel, and act.

-Updated second edition greatly expands discussions on the effects of specific foods on the brain
-Clarifies the role of biorhythms in how food affects the brain and behavior
-Investigates why our brain makes us crave fat, salt, and sugar


“The substance of the book, from start to finish, is notable especially for the instructively informative nature of the discourse presented expertly by Wenk, relating, substantively, to the brain, drugs, and foods. [O]verall, the book as composed, substantively and stylistically, is certainly tailored well to fit a universal reading audience. The text’s body is adorned, intellectually, with some didactically very well designed ‘Figures’. Wenk’s intellectually impressive contribution to this burgeoning field, as embodied in this book, should be quite edifying to lay readers, and professionally very rewarding, as well, to medical scientists and clinicians.” –Leo Uzych, Metapsychology Online Reviews Praise for the First Edition: “An absolutely fascinating read (or book) peppered with gems of surprising information on how certain foods, plants, nicotine and drugs (legal and illegal) alter the very essence of your brain cells’ functioning and thus your behavior and mood. Don’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of reading it.” –Jean Carper, author of “Your Miracle Brain” and “100 Simple Things You Can Do To Prevent Alzheimer’s and Age-Related Memory Loss”Praise for the First Edition: “Your Brain on Food provides ample and important food for thought in a delightfully written reader-friendly style. Kernels of history sprinkled throughout the book provide both interest and insight into how our appetites influence our brains and, and thus, our thoughts and actions. Gary Wenk has provided a compelling and much-needed antidote to commonly available misinformation about nutrients and brain function. Readers will be richly informed–as well as entertained.” –James L. McGaugh, Research Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior, University of California, IrvinePraise for the First Edition: “All of us are impacted by a bewildering array of psychoactive drugs and foods, some being agents of abuse and others being of importance in treating disease. Gary Wenk, a nationally eminent neuroscientist, provides a gripping account of the neurotransmitters that enable neurons in the brain to talk to each other and shows how drugs as well as substances derived from foods exert their psychoactive influences. Wenk has a gift for making complex concepts crystal clear and relating seemingly arcane science in a fascinating, lucid fashion–as gripping as a detective story. This is an invaluable book for anyone who is curious about the brain and its functions.” –Solomon H. Snyder, M.D., Distinguished Service Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins UniversityPraise for the First Edition: “Intriguing” –Scientific American MIND

About the Author

Gary L. Wenk, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics at the Ohio State University.

The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step: Recipes by Kate Scarlata [0738219347, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step: A Personalized Plan to Relieve the Symptoms of IBS and Other Digestive Disorders–with More Than 130 Deliciously Satisfying Recipes
  • Autor: Kate Scarlata
  • Print Length: 384 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Da Capo Lifelong Books (December 19, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0738219347
  • ISBN-13: 978-0738219349
  • File Format: EPUB
A cookbook dedicated to easy, delicious, everyday recipes for the many sufferers of IBS and other digestive disorders, by a New York Times bestselling author and former Bon Appetit contributing editor
Do you suffer from IBS or a chronically sensitive stomach? The culprit may be your diet: many everyday foods contain FODMAPs–a group of carbohydrates that can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Digestive health specialist Kate Scarlata and expert recipe developer Dede Wilson share their clear, accessible, three-step low-FODMAP diet. Backed by the most up-to-date, sound medical advice, The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step walks you through:
  • Identifying FODMAPs and what foods contain them
  • Customizing your own gut-friendly plan to alleviate painful symptoms
  • Using an elimination diet to help determine your food triggers
  • Stocking your low-FODMAP pantry, with food lists and more
  • Easy, delicious recipes for every meal, with specific food reintegration tips


“A must-read for persons seeking diet-based solutions for their gut complaints. This book is practical, easy to understand and provides a wellspring of emotional and medical inspiration.”?William D. Chey, MD, Nostrant Professor of Gastroenterology & Nutrition Sciences, Division of Gastroenterology, Michigan Medicine”You can trust expert dietitian Kate Scarlata for accurate information, valuable insights, and practical tips about FODMAPs. The book makes the diet easy to follow–and the delicious recipes developed by Dede Wilson help you put it into practice.”?Patsy Catsos, MS, RS, LD, author of The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook

About the Author

Kate Scarlata, RDN, LDN is a New York Times bestselling coauthor of 21 Day Tummy Diet and author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Well with IBS and Real Food for Real People. A digestive health specialized registered dietitian with over 25 years working in the nutrition field, Kate earned her Bachelor of Science from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, and completed her postgraduate dietetic internship at Harvard Medical School’s affiliate, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She is a research collaborator with the FODMAP pioneers at Monash University in Australia.Dede Wilson has been a recipe developer for 30 years, has worked as a television and radio host, and has written 14 cookbooks. A contributing editor to Bon Appetit from 1999 to 2014, Dede was featured as on-air talent in over 100 national television appearances for herself and Bon Appetit on all major networks: TODAY Show, CBS Early Show, Dr. Oz, The View, and more. She also represented Bon Appetit on HSN, sold her own books on QVC, and hosted two of her own nationally syndicated public television series sponsored by KitchenAid.