Vegetarian Recipes for the 5:2 Fast Diet – Lose Weight the Easy Way by Liz Armond [EPUB:B00HOJXWO6 ]

Vegetarian Recipes for the 5:2 Fast Diet - Lose Weight the Easy Way by Liz Armond

  • Title:Vegetarian Recipes for the 5:2 Fast Diet – Lose Weight the Easy Way: Delicious Easy Recipes – Simple Way to Lose Weight Fast
  • Author:Liz Armond
  • Pages:171
  • Publisher (Publication Date):Ferneva (January 4, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:B00HOJXWO6
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Are you fed up with constantly trying to lose weight and sick to death of being on a diet all the time. Have you tried all of the latest ‘fads’ and they just didn’t work for you long term. Do you put the weight back on really fast when you stop ‘dieting’?

If any or all of the above sounds familiar, then stop beating yourself up about failing because it really is not your fault. Full on dieting just doesn’t work for most people because there are very few who can be that dedicated to not eating normally for ever. That is unless you are a super model and get paid fabulously well to do it.

The main reason most people fail to lose weight or keep it off once they have lost a few pounds is that is it BORING. That’s right, to be on a diet 7 days a week for months or even years is BORING. We are only human and love things that we know are not good for our health or our waistline. But we can’t help it because the things that are bad for us are usually the most delicious and satisfying.

The 5:2 Fast Diet works by letting you eat normally five days a week but on the other two days you aim to eat 500 – 600 calories, regardless of your present weight or how much you want to lose.

Are you a vegetarian and want to begin the 5:2 Diet, but aren’t sure what in the world you’ll eat on the two low calorie days? Are you worried you’ll end up stocking the freezer with those quick and “healthy” frozen meals for convenience?