The Solar Food Dryer: How to Make and Use Your Own Low-Cost, High Performance, Sun-Powered Food Dehydrator by Eben V. Fodor [0865715440, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: The Solar Food Dryer: How to Make and Use Your Own Low-Cost, High Performance, Sun-Powered Food Dehydrator
  • Autor: Eben V. Fodor
  • Pages: 144
  • Publisher (Publication Date): New Society Publishers (January 1, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0865715440
  • Download File Format: EPUB

The Solar Food Dryer describes how to use solar energy to dry your food instead of costly electricity. With your own solar-powered food dryer, you can quickly and efficiently dry all your extra garden veggies, fruits, and herbs to preserve their goodness all year long—with free sunshine! Applicable to a wide geography—wherever gardens grow—this well-illustrated book includes:

• Complete step-by-step plans for building a high-performance, low-cost solar food dryer from readily available materials
• Solar energy design concepts
• Food drying tips and recipes
• Resources, references, solar charts, and more

Eben Fodor is an organic gardener with a background in solar energy and engineering. He works as a community planning consultant in Eugene, Oregon.