The Fast Food Diet: Lose Weight and Feel Great Even If You’re Too Busy to Eat Right by Stephen T. Sinatra [163026198X, Format: PDF]

  • Title: The Fast Food Diet: Lose Weight and Feel Great Even If You’re Too Busy to Eat Right
  • Autor: Stephen T. Sinatra
  • Print Length: 243 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Wiley; 1 edition (May 2, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 163026198X, 0471790478
  • ISBN-13: 978-1630261986, 978-0471790471
  • File Format: PDF

Lose weight eating at McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and Wendy’s?

Yes, it’s possible–and this book shows you how!

“Dr. Steve Sinatra is one of the top preventive cardiologists in America. . . . In The Fast Food Diet, he shows readers how to eat smarter and more nutritiously at any fast food establishment in America so they will actually become healthier as they lose weight. What a brilliant strategy and practical approach!”
–BARRY SEARS, bestselling author of The Zone

We’re a nation on the go–and we’re gaining weight at alarming levels. Chances are you realize you should lose weight and eat healthier foods, but when you’re hungry and hurried, all too often you choose the drive-through over a healthy home-cooked meal. This breakthrough guide presents a practical, real-world solution that teaches you how to make healthier fast-food choices and save hundreds of calories per meal–without giving up the delicious taste and convenience of fast foods.

In addition to tips for dining guilt-free at all types of fast-food restaurants, The Fast Food Diet includes:
* A Six-Week Fast-Food Diet Eating Plan that lets you choose among 150 meal selections for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks from more than fifty of the most popular fast-food chains
* Valuable tips for business travelers, holiday revelers, and kids who are fast-food junkies
* Advice on eating well at food courts, sit-down restaurants, airports, and convenience stores
* Recipes for nutritious, home-cooked meals you can prepare in 15 minutes or less

If you cut just 500 calories from your meals every day, you’ll lose a pound a week. That’s 50 pounds a year–and The Fast Food Diet makes it easy.

The 30-Day Low-Carb Diet Solution by Michael R. Eades [047145415X, Format: PDF]

  • Title: The 30-Day Low-Carb Diet Solution
  • Autor: Michael R. Eades
  • Print Length: 192 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 1 edition (November 21, 2002)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN:
  • ISBN-10: 0471430501, 047145415X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0471430506, 978-0471454151
  • File Format: PDF
From the authors of the phenomenal bestseller Protein Power comes a quick, easy-to-follow low-carb diet plan designed to get you on the fastest possible track to losing weight, feeling fantastic, and improving your health. If you’ve heard all the recent publicity about how low-carb eating can turn your health around–by keeping your insulin levels down and getting your excess weight off–but don’t want to wade through hundreds of pages of explanation or complicated formulas before you get started, The 30-Day Low-Carb Diet Solution is for you. Unlike any other low-carb diet book in the market, this book gives you low-carb 101: the basics of low-carb eating without all the fuss.

In this much-needed book, two of the most trusted names in low-carb dieting who have helped millions of readers lose weight provide the simplest possible diet designed for the best possible results. Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades give you the step-by-step basics-what to eat, what to avoid–and even provide specific low-carb meal plans to guide you at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for a full month. For those who would rather design their own meals, they include expert advice for easily creating a customized plan based on your current weight, health status, and goals. They show you the exact portions of carbohydrate-rich foods you can enjoy now to reach those goals and how to increase those amounts to maintain your health and weight for the long haul.

Simply by knowing your height, weight, and gender, you can quickly determine how much protein to eat for optimal health-no complicated measurements, charts, or formulas to follow. The Drs. Eades include everything you need to get started now: self-assessment quizzes to help you effortlessly tailor your program to fit your needs, fill-in worksheets for planning meals and tracking your progress, and other important nutritional information for easy reference.

By following the simple but highly effective and powerful diet in The 30-Day Low-Carb Diet Solution, complete with 30 days of meal plans and more than 100 delicious and easy recipes, you’ll be on your way to a thinner and healthier you in just a month!

The Rebel Diet: Break the Rules, Lose the Weight by Melissa Hershberg [0470736445, Format: PDF]

  • Title: The Rebel Diet: Break the Rules, Lose the Weight
  • Autor: Melissa Hershberg
  • Print Length:
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Wiley; 1 edition (January 19, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN:
  • ISBN-10: 0470736445
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470736449
  • File Format: PDF

Your fantasy diet-chocolate, bread, and caffeine-is here!

For those accustomed to thinking of diets as deprivation, former gymnast and doctor Melissa Hershberg has developed a food plan that breaks all the cardinal rules of dieting. Offering medical insight on why common diet myths (like eating five times a day) don’t work, she presents dozens of rule-breaking “Try-it” action plans that let you skip breakfast or consume coffee, carbs, and sweets-if that’s what you want. If you’re a restaurant-hopper, a dessert lover, or someone who eats on the go, she tells you how to lose weight while making food work for you. A program tailored for real people living in the real world, The Rebel Diet reveals how to lose weight, improve your nutrition, energy and health-without following the standard diet rubric.

  • Shows you to stay fit and trim without logging in long hours at a gym
  • Dr. Hershberg is the author of The Hershberg Diet

This revolutionary book finally makes food work for you-and lets your inner “rebel” finally shed those unwanted pounds!

Die Sirtuin-Diät – Jung und schlank mit Genuss: So verlieren Sie über 3 Kilo in 7 Tagen – Sirtfood Diet – das Original by Aidan Goggins [344217659X, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: Die Sirtuin-Diät – Jung und schlank mit Genuss: So verlieren Sie über 3 Kilo in 7 Tagen – Sirtfood Diet – das Original
  • Autor: Aidan Goggins
  • Print Length:
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Goldmann Verlag (20. Februar 2017)
  • Language: Deutsch
  • ISBN-10: 344217659X
  • ISBN-13: 978-3442176595
  • File Format: EPUB

In Sachen Wunschgewicht gelten Abnehmen und Genießen oft als Gegensätze. Ganz anders bei der Sirtuin-Diät! Durch ausgeklügelte Gerichte mit leckeren Zutaten wie Grünkohl, Sellerie, Rucola und Walnüssen werden Fettverbrennungsenzyme in unserem Körper angeregt: die Sirtuine. Mit einem intensiven 7-Tage-Programm und einem nachhaltigen Ernährungsplan wird Ihre Traumfigur schnell und leicht Realität. Sängerin und Weltstar Adele hat es mit der Sirtuin-Diät geschafft – probieren auch Sie es aus!


In Sachen Wunschgewicht gelten Abnehmen und Genießen oft als Gegensätze. Ganz anders bei der Sirtuin-Diät! Durch ausgeklügelte Gerichte mit leckeren Zutaten wie Grünkohl, Sellerie, Rucola und Walnüssen werden Fettverbrennungsenzyme in unserem Körper angeregt: die Sirtuine. Mit einem intensiven 7-Tage-Programm und einem nachhaltigen Ernährungsplan wird Ihre Traumfigur schnell und leicht Realität. Sängerin und Weltstar Adele hat es mit der Sirtuin-Diät geschafft – probieren auch Sie es aus!

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Aidan Goggins und Glen Matten sind Ernährungsmediziner und Bestsellerautoren. Ihr Ernährungsansatz verbindet den Wunsch nach einem schlanken Körper mit einem Anspruch auf Gesundheit und Genuss. Mit ihrer Expertise sind sie ständiger Gast in den britischen Medien. Goggins und Matten leben mit ihren Familien in England.

Dana Carpender’s NEW Carb and Calorie Counter: Expanded, Revised, and Updated 4th Edition by Dana Carpender [1592334296, Format: PDF]

Dana Carpender’s NEW Carb and Calorie Counter-Expanded, Revised, and Updated 4th Edition: Your Complete Guide to Total Carbs, Net Carbs, Calories, and More by Dana Carpender

  • Print Length: 352 Pages
  • Publisher: Fair Winds Press
  • Publication Date: December 1, 2009
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004R1Q11A
  • ISBN-10: 1592334296
  • ISBN-13: 978-1592334292
  • File Format: PDF

Dana Carpender’s NEW Carb Counter is a completely revised and updated version of the bestselling Carb Gram Counter. It includes more than 100 pages of new content, including new and popular brand name products, fast food chains, and restaurants. Each entry contains the serving size amount, calories, total carbs, fiber, net carbs, protein, and fat in the food—making it the perfect reference tool for dieters of all kinds. Better still, any foods with less than five grams of net carbs are featured in bold, so low-carb dieters can easily see those foods that are best for them and their health.

Also included are helpful low-carb eating tips, as well as great lists of low-carb snack, treat, and meal ideas, all from best-selling author and low-carb guru Dana Carpender.

With Dana Carpender’s NEW Carb Counter in your pocket or purse, everything you need to stay on track and at your healthiest is at your fingertips.

The Diet Delusion: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Loss and Disease by Gary Taubes [0091891418, Format: EPUB]

The Diet Delusion: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Loss and Disease by Gary Taubes

  • Print Length: 640 Pages
  • Publisher: Vermilion
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0031RS9S4
  • ISBN-10: 0091891418
  • File Format: EPUB

Where mainstream nutritional science has demonised dietary fat for 50 years, hundreds of millions of dollars of research have failed to prove that eating a low-fat diet will help you live longer. Nutrition and obesity scientists have struggled to make sense of the paradox that obesity has become an epidemic, that diabetes rates have soared and the incidence of heart disease has not declined despite the fact that society is more diet and health aware today than generations ago. The Diet Delusion is an in-depth, scientific, groundbreaking examination of what actually happens in your body as a result of what you eat, rather than what the diet industry might have you believe happens and is essential reading for anyone trying to decide which diet – low-fat or low-carbohydrate – is truly the healthy diet. For years we have been deluded by the dieting industry. Now it’s time to find out the truth.

5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet by Jason Vale [000755589X, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet
  • Autor: Jason Vale
  • Print Length: 304 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): HarperCollins; 1 edition (January 2, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00FD98BR2
  • ISBN-10: 000755589X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0007555895
  • File Format: EPUB

Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme ever.

Jason Vale aka The Juice Master – and the man responsible for turning around the lives (and diets) of celebrities and top athletes from around the world – has designed a brand new programme to reshape and reinvigorate your body in just 5 days. Lose the weight you’ve always dreamed of without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend.

The culmination of over a decade’s worth of research, 5lbs in 5 Days is a new and fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid and healthy weight loss, boosting your energy levels and motivation, and maintaining optimum health.

Follow Jason’s plan and you’ll lose at least 5lbs in 5 days (the average is actually 7lbs) and be recharged on both a physical and a mental level.

Packed full of juicy recipes and tips for getting started, it’s simple to start and straightforward to follow. Start juicing today!

La dieta LeBootCamp by Valérie Orsoni [8820057743, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: La dieta LeBootCamp
  • Autor: Valérie Orsoni
  • Print Length:
  • Publisher (Publication Date): SPERLING & KUPFER (13 gennaio 2015)
  • Language: Italiano
  • ASIN: B00S5N6D14
  • ISBN-10: 8820057743
  • ISBN-13: 978-8820057749
  • File Format: EPUB

Valérie Orsoni, prima di diventare coach ed esperta di nutrizione, è stata una giovane donna in sovrappeso che è arrivata a sperimentare fino a quaranta tipi di diete. Ogni volta perdeva chili e poi regolarmente li riguadagnava con enorme delusione e parecchi sensi di colpa. Un giorno ha deciso che doveva trovare una soluzione definitiva, sana e senza dover rinunciare ai suoi cibi preferiti. Ha letto, studiato, provato per selezionare i fattori più efficaci di ogni regime. Il risultato è un metodo rivoluzionario, scientificamente testato da un pool di medici, ricercatori, atleti e nutrizionisti e seguito da una community on line internazionale. Il programma comporta quattro fasi, una più potente dell’altra: Detox: libera il corpo dalle tossine, i primi chili se ne vanno in fretta, si fa un pieno di energia e antiossidanti. Attacco: si perdono i chili più difficili, si riduce la cellulite, si tonifica il corpo. Booster: ha un effetto accelerante sul metabolismo per eliminare gli ultimi chili. Perfetto anche dopo periodi di gozzoviglie (tipo le feste). Ideale per ottenere la pancia piatta. Equilibrio: la chiave per restare magri tutta la vita è nell’equilibrio acido-basico. Il peso si stabilizza in modo definitivo. Coloro che l’hanno provato (oltre un milione di persone) testimoniano che il metodo funziona grazie anche a quattro preziosi alleati: è un’alimentazione gustosa con fantastiche e deliziose ricette; le «pillole» di fitness messe a punto da Valérie hanno un effetto stupefacente; la motivazione resta sempre salda grazie alle grandi capacità di coach dell’autrice e alla community di supporto del sito LeBootCamp; l’assenza delle rinunce tipiche delle altre diete e un sonno ottimale eliminano lo stress causa silente dell’eccesso di peso. L’unico approccio che garantisce contemporaneamente dimagrimento, salute, energia, tonicità. E la libertà di gustare la cucina che preferiamo.


Valérie Orsoni, prima di diventare coach ed esperta di nutrizione, è stata una giovane donna in sovrappeso che è arrivata a sperimentare fino a quaranta tipi di diete. Ogni volta perdeva chili e poi regolarmente li riguadagnava con enorme delusione e parecchi sensi di colpa. Un giorno ha deciso che doveva trovare una soluzione definitiva, sana e senza dover rinunciare ai suoi cibi preferiti. Ha letto, studiato, provato per selezionare i fattori più efficaci di ogni regime. Il risultato è un metodo rivoluzionario, scientificamente testato da un pool di medici, ricercatori, atleti e nutrizionisti e seguito da una community on line internazionale. Il programma comporta quattro fasi, una più potente dell’altra: Detox: libera il corpo dalle tossine, i primi chili se ne vanno in fretta, si fa un pieno di energia e antiossidanti. Attacco: si perdono i chili più difficili, si riduce la cellulite, si tonifica il corpo. Booster: ha un effetto accelerante sul metabolismo per eliminare gli ultimi chili. Perfetto anche dopo periodi di gozzoviglie (tipo le feste). Ideale per ottenere la pancia piatta. Equilibrio: la chiave per restare magri tutta la vita è nell’equilibrio acido-basico. Il peso si stabilizza in modo definitivo. Coloro che l’hanno provato (oltre un milione di persone) testimoniano che il metodo funziona grazie anche a quattro preziosi alleati: è un’alimentazione gustosa con fantastiche e deliziose ricette; le «pillole» di fitness messe a punto da Valérie hanno un effetto stupefacente; la motivazione resta sempre salda grazie alle grandi capacità di coach dell’autrice e alla community di supporto del sito LeBootCamp; l’assenza delle rinunce tipiche delle altre diete e un sonno ottimale eliminano lo stress causa silente dell’eccesso di peso. L’unico approccio che garantisce contemporaneamente dimagrimento, salute, energia, tonicità. E la libertà di gustare la cucina che preferiamo.

Mucusless-Diet Healing System – A Complete Course for Those Who Desire to Learn How to Control Their Health by Arnold Ehret [1494269880, Format: AZW3]

  • Title: Mucusless-Diet Healing System – A Complete Course for Those Who Desire to Learn How to Control Their Health
  • Autor: Arnold Ehret
  • Print Length: 198 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Youcanprint (June 5, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B072QC9S8K
  • ISBN-10: 1494269880
  • ISBN-13: 978-1494269883
  • File Format: AZW3

Professor Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless diet healing system contains one of the most profound revelations of the 21st century: that mucus-forming foods are unnatural for us to eat and are the fundamental cause of many human illnesses. But how can you eliminate these foods and cleanse the body from their waste? This book has everything You need to Know to Instantly begin Cleansing the body and gaining a NEW lease on Life!

Target 100: The World’s Simplest Weight-Loss Program in 6 Easy Steps by Jennifer Hudson [1944648666, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: Target 100: The World’s Simplest Weight-Loss Program in 6 Easy Steps
  • Autor: Jennifer Hudson
  • Print Length: 280 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): BenBella Books (December 19, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1944648666,
  • ISBN-13: 978-1944648664,
  • File Format: EPUB

“When I was losing weight, Liz was more than my coach; she was my rock, and I couldn’t have done it without her. She just got it, because she’d been through it herself (and helped about a million other people through it, too). Target 100 is Liz in book form—smart, supportive, and full of practical, simple solutions. Liz changed my life and my whole concept of dieting—and now can change, yours too.”

—Jessica Simpson

When did weight loss get so complicated?

Today, it feels like there are a million different apps, tools, workouts, and eating plans designed to help you lose weight. Some promise success via drastic, unlivable restrictions, others are so complex they turn losing weight into a second job.

In Target 100, celebrity weight-loss coach Liz Josefsberg shows you don’t have to be a slave to your weight-loss program. You don’t have to count every gram of every nutrient and every calorie you eat at every meal. Believe it or not, weight loss can be simple.

It can even be . . . fun.

A 15-year veteran of the weight-loss industry and who lost—and kept off—65 pounds herself, Liz has accrued a high-profile clientele. She helped Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson lose weight and transform her life and coached Jessica Simpson to shed over 50 pounds of baby weight (twice!). But along with the likes of Charles Barkley and Katie Couric, Josefsberg has also coached thousands of others, everyone from stay-at-home moms to office jockeys. Along the way, she’s learned what works—and what doesn’t—when it comes to lasting weight loss, and she’s ready to share her secrets with the rest of us.

Target 100 streamlines the weight-loss process into six easy-to-follow guidelines and shows you how to adjust them to fit your lifestyle, personalizing the program so that it works for you. Josefsberg offers tips, worksheets, and powerful insights to help you fine-tune a range of weight-related behaviors, from battling stress to getting more sleep, setting the stage for permanent, long-term weight loss.

Instead of counting calories, you’ll learn how simple changes come together to jumpstart your health and wellbeing, such as:

  • Drinking 100 ounces of water a day
  • Exercising for 100 minutes a week
  • Adding 100 minutes of Sleep a week
  • De-Stressing for 100 minutes a week
  • And more!

Warm and no-nonsense, encouraging and informative, Target 100 is a holistic and revolutionary wellness book with a simple message: You don’t need to be perfect to lose weight, or transform yourself into someone you’re not. You can lose weight for good, with the world’s simplest weight loss program.

The Top 100 Zone Foods: The Zone Food Science Ranking System by Barry Sears [0060741856, Format: PDF]

The Top 100 Zone Foods: The Zone Food Science Ranking System by Barry Sears

  • Print Length:
  • Publisher: Avon
  • Publication Date: December 28, 2004
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0017098EQ
  • ISBN-10: 0060741856
  • ISBN-13: 978-0060741853
  • File Format: PDF

Dr Barry Sears takes you on a tour of the top 100 Zone foods, offering capsule summaries of their nutritional benefits, along with delicious recipes and Zone Food Block information for each food item.

Being in the Zone has just been made easier now that The Top 100 Zone Foods is available as a convenient mass market paperback. Dr Barry Sears selects the top 100 Zone foods and shows you how to mix and match them to form perfectly balanced Zone Meals. For each food item there is a brief description of its health and nutritional bragging points followed by one or two easy–to–prepare Zone–approved recipes and the appropriate Zone Block information for foolproof Zone cooking.

After explaining how to enter and stay in the Zone, Dr Sears shows why not all foods are created equal – at least from a nutritional and hormonal point of view. Organising the Top 100 into protein, carbohydrates and fats, he shows you how to combine your favourite foods to form hundreds of appropriately balanced and deliciously prepared meals such as Prawn Scampi with Vegetables, Mediterranean–Style Chicken, Spinach Feta Pie, Lemon Meringue, and Strawberry Mousse.

Superfoods For Dummies by Brent Agin [0470445394, Format: PDF]

Superfoods For Dummies by Brent Agin

  • Print Length: 360 Pages
  • Publisher: For Dummies
  • Publication Date: May 4, 2009
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470445394
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470445396
  • File Format: PDF

Transform your diet and reap the extraordinary benefits of superfoods

Want to eat healthier, lose weight, and fight off disease? You can do it with superfoods! This friendly guide explains everything you need to know — why you need superfoods, the science behind them, and how to prepare and enjoy them. From bananas and carrots to oatmeal and salmon, you’ll gain a healthy attitude toward eating right!

  • Get the skinny on superfoods — know the basics of a balanced, nutritional diet, and why superfoods are so powerful
  • Take a closer look — examine the unique properties of superfoods and the best ways to store and prepare them
  • Explore exotic flavors — discover Asia’s goji berries, Mexico’s chia, Indonesia’s mangosteen, and other unusual superfoods
  • Launch your superfoods lifestyle — plan healthy meals you and your family will enjoy

Open the book and find:

  • A nuts-and-bolts breakdown of each superfood
  • Ways to incorporate superfoods into your everyday diet
  • Tips for saving money on superfoods
  • The healthiest cooking methods
  • More than 50 easy-to-prepare, tasty recipes — from breakfast to dessert
  • The top dietary supplements
  • How to grow your own superfoods garden

The Living Gluten-Free Answer Book: Answers to 275 of Your Most Pressing Questions by Suzanne Bowland [1402210590, Format: PDF]

The Living Gluten-Free Answer Book: Answers to 275 of Your Most Pressing Questions by Suzanne Bowland

  • Print Length: 368 Pages
  • Publisher: Sourcebooks
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2008
  • ISBN-10: 1402210590
  • ISBN-13: 978-1402210594
  • File Format: PDF

Celiac Disease, the inability to digest the protein gluten found in certain grains such as wheat, is estimated to affect 1 in 133 Americans, and non-celiac glutensensitivity is also a widely undiagnosed condition potentially affecting millions more.

Written by a gluten-free expert who’s been living the lifestyle for over six years, The Living Gluten-Free Answer Book helps these individuals find a healthy, happy, glutenfree life. Author Suzanne Bowland breaks down all you need to know about gluten and gluten-free living, offering detailed guidance on questions such as:

-What is Celiac disease and gluten intolerance?
-What is your level of gluten-intolerance?
-What can’t you eat?
-How can you decipher food labels and medications?
-What are some strategies for eating gluten-free at restaurants?

Written in an easy-to-read Q&A format that discusses pitfalls and provides solutions, The Living Gluten-Free Answer Book will become a must-have reference for every person dealing with gluten intolerance.

Weight Loss for Food Lovers by George Blair-West Dr [0977516016, Format: PDF]

Weight Loss for Food Lovers by George Blair-West Dr

  • Print Length: 240 Pages
  • Publisher: Alclare Pty Ltd
  • Publication Date: July 1, 2008
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004Q9U4ZM
  • ISBN-10: 0977516016
  • ISBN-13: 978-0977516018
  • File Format: PDF

This ground-breaking book explains in fascinating but simple terms why most dieters fail at, or actually sabotage, their weight loss plans. Three key reasons are: 1) A deep love of food; 2) Rebelling against excessive deprivation; 3) There are benefits to being overweight. The question is not What to eat? Overweight people know what they should eat! The real questions are the ‘Whys’: Why don’t we eat what we should? Why do we eat what we shouldn’t? Why do we sabotage our healthy eating plans? It’s not that people fail diets, it’s that diets fail people. And parents are failing their children – one of the greatest gifts we can give them is the habit of healthy eating so that as adults this comes naturally. Dr Blair-West is a Life Fellow of the Obesity Prevention & Treatment Society and was invited to present at the International Congress on Obesity. Trained as a Medical Doctor and as a Psychiatrist, he is uniquely qualified to help you end the ‘go on a diet, lose weight, then gain it all back again plus more’ cycle. This is not another ‘diet book’ – there are no menus, calorie charts or exercise programs – but it is a book you must read before you try to lose weight again. By calling on the latest research, Dr Blair-West’s clinical experience, the ‘French Paradox’ and even Zen mindfulness, he will share the secrets of keeping the weight off.

The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease with 300 Delicious Recipes by Michael Ozner [1933771658, Format: EPUB]

The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease with 300 Delicious Recipes by Michael Ozner

  • Print Length: 432 Pages
  • Publisher: BenBella Books
  • Publication Date: March 17, 2009
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0041D841O
  • ISBN-10: 1933771658
  • ISBN-13: 978-1933771656
  • File Format: EPUB

Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer—all diseases that have been scientifically linked to diet—are at an all-time high, and the recent popularity of low-carb, high-fat diets has only made things worse. But there’s a way that’s been successful for millions of people for thousands of years: the Mediterranean diet.

In The Miami Mediterranean Diet, noted Miami cardiologist Michael Ozner updates the traditional Mediterranean diet—clinically proven to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and numerous other diseases—with the latest scientific findings in health and nutrition to create a diet that’s easy to follow. With more than 300 delicious recipes, from soups to omelets, from salads to desserts, as well as an abundance of evidence supporting the Mediterranean diet’s incredible health benefits, The Miami Mediterranean Diet shows you how and why to change your life for a longer, healthier, happier life.