Southern Living Off the Eaten Path: Second Helpings: Tasty eats and delicious stories from the South’s less-traveled trails by Morgan Murphy [0848739558, Format: EPUB]
Title: Southern Living Off the Eaten Path: Second Helpings: Tasty eats and delicious stories from the South’s less-traveled trails
Autor: Morgan Murphy
Print Length: 272 pages
Publisher (Publication Date): Oxmoor House (May 7, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0848739558
ISBN-13: 978-0848739553
File Format: EPUB
Second Helpings devours the South in five big bites, each chapter charting a tasty trail through one Southern sub region. Each of the five recipe chapters covers three to four states, eight to 12 eateries, and 24 to 32 restaurant recipes that will inspire your own home cooking.
With humor and his uniquely Southern voice, Murphy introduces you to each restaurant, recipe, and attraction, highlighting the best iconic Southern dishes to try in each region, from biscuits and gravy to white barbecued chicken and peanut butter pie.
Worth the drive: Murphy showcases one restaurant, character, or dish in each state as not just worth stopping for but worth driving out of your way to see– a BEST in each state.
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