- Title: Ramen 2.0: New & Improved Ramen Recipes
- Autor: Nancy Silverman
- Pages: 72
- Publisher (Publication Date): May 5, 2019
- Language: English
- Download File Format: EPUB
In Japan, ramen noodles are referred to as “menrui.” Ramen is a popular food in Japan that has spread to the rest of the world. Ramen noodles are no longer just a quick and cheap meal for lazy college students – a simple bowl of ramen can be enjoyed by anyone who doesn’t have the time or energy to cook an elaborate meal. There is much more to eating ramen than boiling them in some water and adding a seasoning packet, however!
If you are a true ramen lover, the Ramen 2.0 cookbook is perfect for you to get some great ideas on how you can spice up your ramen and make it more of a complete meal. All of the recipes in this cookbook are not only rich in flavor but are also budget-friendly and easy to make.
By following the recipes in the Ramen 2.0 cookbook, you can try adding a variety of ingredients to your ramen, including traditional spices, soy sauce, meat, seafood, tofu mushrooms, and more.
Here are some of the revamped recipes you’ll find in the Ramen 2.0 cookbook:
– Garlic Shrimp Ramen
– Pure Bliss Ramen Burger
– Ramen Spring Chicken Soup
– Beef Ginger Ramen Stir-Fry
– Veggie Cumin Ramen Curry
– Tangy Avocado Ramen
– Coconut Thai Ramen
– Ramen To-Go
…and more!
If you love ramen and want to explore recipes that will make you love it even more, click the buy button and purchase the Ramen 2.0: New & Improved Ramen Recipes today!