Professional Cooking 8th Edition by Wayne Gisslen [EPUB: 1118636724]

Professional Cooking 8th Edition by Wayne Gisslen [EPUB: 1118636724]

  • Title:Professional Cooking 8th Edition
  • Author: Wayne Gisslen
  • Pages: 1072
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Wiley; 8th edition (April 15, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1118636724
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Professional Cooking, 8th Edition reflects the changing nature of our understanding of cooking and related fields such as food safety, nutrition, and dietary practices, as well as new thinking about how best to teach this material. Familiar material reflects the core curriculum that has stayed focused on the essentials, the comprehensive understanding of ingredients and basic cooking techniques that are the foundation of success in the kitchen.