Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook by Sarah Roslin [EPUB: 9798224503469]

Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook by Sarah Roslin [EPUB: 9798224503469]

  • Title: Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook: Overcome Your Food Addiction & Heavy Past to Regain Confidence with Simple, Delicious Low-Fat Recipes
  • Author: Sarah Roslin
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher (Publication Date):US & UK Cookbooks Publications (February 2, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:9798224503469
    🎁 PRINTABLE JOURNAL: Track your progress in body, mood, and energy to be happier and more satisfied
    🎁 DIVE INTO VIDEO MASTERCLASS: Gastric sleeve bariatric recipes to kickstart your health transformation
    🎁 MOBILE APP ON THE GO: Find the best Gastric sleeve bariatric-friendly ingredients anytime, anywhere
    🎁 KITCHEN GUIDE: Optimal storage, reheating & essential Gastric sleeve bariatric tools use
    Are you afraid of falling into the spectrum of food addiction?
    Do all the cookbooks recommend only bland soups for the rest of your life?
    Are you afraid of returning to having the body you hated and throwing money away on the surgery?

    If you answered “Yes” to at least one of these questions, this cookbook would help you to face this journey.
    It’s common to feel estranged in your body, trapped in a cycle of negative self-image and food addiction. This struggle often stems from complex past events and a lack of proper nutrition education, leading to a point that feels irreversible. However, there is hope. As a collaboration between a nutritionist, a surgeon, and a chef, we present a cookbook that redefines the post-surgery dietary landscape.

    Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

    📚 GASTRIC SLEEVE BARIATRIC SURGERY FUNDAMENTALS: Begin your adventure with essential insights into the surgery, understanding the diet structure, and embracing mindful eating to unveil the best version of yourself.
    🍽 HUNDREDS OF TASTY RECIPES: Step beyond the realm of tasteless soups with kitchen-tested recipes designed for quick, easy, and delicious meals. Crafted through collaboration with medical and culinary experts, these dishes ensure you don’t compromise on taste or nutrition.
    👥 THE ANTI-SOLITUDE PACKAGE: Most recipes are crafted to blend seamlessly into meals for family and friends, ensuring you never feel singled out. Our philosophy marries the need for nutritional value with the essence of taste, fueling your motivation and aiming for success.
    📅 10-WEEK MEAL PLAN: Kickstart your keto journey with a comprehensive guide, offering structured, easy-to-follow, delicious meal options for each week.

    This cookbook is more than a collection of recipes; it’s a beacon of hope, offering the latest in nutritional guidance and support. It’s tailored to help you maintain the balance between flavor and health, crucial for your journey towards wellness and the body you desire.