Tuscany by Katie Caldesi [1784881198, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: Tuscany
  • Autor: Katie Caldesi
  • Print Length: 272 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Hardie Grant (UK) (November 2, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0754KBX76
  • ISBN-10: 1784881198
  • ISBN-13: 978-1784881191
  • File Format: EPUB

A culinary ode to the beautiful Tuscan region and its many delicacies. From the minute they look out of their window in the morning to their last nightcap at the bar, Tuscans, like most Italians, are thinking about food. In Tuscany, Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi take readers on a culinary journey through a Tuscan day, to discover the delicacies of the region and the stories behind them. The book opens with a section on ‘skills from the Tuscan kitchen’, immersing us in the very place that it all begins, and teaching you the foundations of Tuscan cooking: the essential stocks, sauces and flavor bases. We are then taken through breakfast, lunchtime, aperitivo and dinner, with pasta and gnocchi, secondi, contorni and a dolce for every single month of the year. Set against a backdrop of undulating hills, Tuscanytakes you on an adventure across this diverse landscape, exploring the traditions and cooking techniques that make this food so extraordinary.

About the Author

Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi own London’s Caffé Caldesi, Caldesi in Campagna in Bray, and La Cucina Caldesi cooking school. Indisputed experts in Italian food, they have taught alongside some of the biggest names in Italian cuisine, including Gennaro Contaldo, and Ursula Ferrigno. This is their tenth cookbook.

Die besten anglo-amerikanischen Eis-Rezepte zum Selbermachen: mit 30+ kreativen Rezepten für Eis und Zubehör by Liv Björklund [B074CFLNQR, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: Die besten anglo-amerikanischen Eis-Rezepte zum Selbermachen: mit 30+ kreativen Rezepten für Eis und Zubehör
  • Autor: Liv Björklund
  • Print Length: 114 pages
  • Publisher (Publication Date): New Visions Publications (July 27, 2017)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • File Format: EPUB

Dieses Buch ist vorwiegend den Eis-Sorten gewidmet, die so richtig “yummy” sind. Die Meisten zählen zu der Milch- und Sahne-Kategorie und enthalten oft etwas Schokolade, Karamell oder beispielsweise auch Cookies oder Kuchen.
Diese Sorten sind in Nordamerika (USA und Kanada) genauso beliebt wie in England beziehungsweise Großbritannien, weil sie ein spannendes „Allround-Geschmackserlebnis“ bieten.

Darüber hinaus enthält dieses Buch (im Bonus-Teil, der ca. 50% des Buches ausmacht) unterschiedliche Leseproben, Sie eventuell ebenfalls interessieren könnten. Wir haben jedenfalls versucht, einen unterhaltsamen Mix zu finden, der auch zum Thema passt und u.a. auch besondere Rezepte bietet..

Rezeptverzeichnis – nach Kategorien geordnet:

  • Käsekuchen-Eis mit Karamell und Krokant (Caramel-Cheesecake-Ice Cream mit Krokant-Topping)
  • Vanille-Käse-Eiscreme mit Erdbeeren (Vanilla-Cheesecake-Ice Cream with Strawberries)
  • Honig-Eis mit Karamell-Schokoladensauce und Cornflakes-Konfekt (Honey-Ice Cream with Caramel and Cornflakes)
  • Schokoladeneis mit Trüffelsauce und Marshmallows (Chocolate-Ice Cream with Marshmallows and Truffel Sauce)
  • Honig-Krokant-Eis mit Whiskey (Honeycomb-Crumble-Ice Cream with Bourbon)
  • Brownie-Eis mit Toffee-Paranuss-Eis und Blaubeermarmelade (Brownie-Ice Cream with Toffee-Brasil-Nut-Sauce and Blueberryjam)
  • Sahne- und Milcheissorten

    • Schokoladen-Sahneeis mit doppelter Schokoladencreme (Double Chocolate-Dream)
    • Gefrorenes Joghurteis mit Mango und Aprikose (Frozen Yogurt with Mango-Apricot)
    • Gefrorenes Joghurteis mit Ahornsirup (Frozen Yogurt with Maple Sirup)
    • Erdnuss-Eis mit Schokolade (Peanutbutter-Ice Cream with Chocolate)
    • Erdnuss-Eis mit gesalzenen Erdnüssen (Peanutbutter-Ice Cream with roasted, salted peanut-chunks)
    • Fudge-Eis mit Pecan-Karamell (Fudge-Ice Cream with Pecan Nut-Caramel)
    • Zitrus-Karamell-Käsekuchen-Eis mit Zitrus-Karamellsauce (Citrus-Caramel-Cheese Cake-Ice Cream with Citrus Caramel Sauce)
    • Zitrus-Karamell-Käsekuchen-Eis (Citrus-Caramel-Cheese Cake-Ice Cream
    • Zitronen-Käsekuchen-Eis (Lemon-Cheese Cake-Ice Cream)
    • Preiselbeeren-Joghurt-Sahne-Eis (Cranberry-Yogurt-Ice Cream)
    • Tuttifritti-Eis (Mixed Fruit Ice Cream)
    • Walnusseis (Walnut Ice Cream)
    • Nusseis mit Baileys-Karamellsauce (Nut-Ice Cream with Baileys-Caramel Sauce)
    • Peach-Melba-Eis (Peach Melba-Ice Cream)
    • Gesundes Ananas-Pfirsich-Sorbet (Pineapple-Peach-Sorbet)
    • Gesundes Erdbeer-Sorbet (Strawberry-Sorbet)
    • Veganes Eis

    • Gesundes Preiselbeereneis mit Pfirsich und Banane (Cranberry-Peach-Banana-Ice Cream)
    • Gesundes Ananas-Pfirsich-Sorbet (Pineapple-Peach-Sorbet)
    • Gesundes Erdbeer-Sorbet (Strawberry-Sorbet)


    • Apfel-Erdbeerensalat mit Nektarinen und Chiasamen
    • Tropischer Obstsalat

    Saucen und Marmelade

  • Karamellsauce (Caramel Sauce)
  • Zitrus-Karamellsauce (Citrus-Caramell Sauce)
  • Karamell-Schokoladensauce (Caramel-Chocolate Sauce)
  • Trüffelsauce (Truffel Sauce)
  • Baileys-Karamellsauce (Baileys-Caramel Sauce)
  • Blaubeermarmelade (Blueberryjam)
  • Süßes und Kuchen

    • Pecan-Nuss-Karamell (Pecan Nut-Caramel)
  • Cornflakes-Konfekt (Chocolates with Cornflakes)
  • Honig-Krokant (Honeycomb-Crumble)
  • Amerikanischer Schokoladen-Blechkuchen (Brownie)
  • Charlottesville Food: A History of Eating Local in Jefferson’s City (American Palate) by Casey Ireland [1626190275, Format: EPUB]

    Title: Charlottesville Food:: A History of Eating Local in Jefferson’s City (American Palate)
    Autor: Casey Ireland
    Print Length: 128 pages
    Publisher (Publication Date): The History Press (February 4, 2014)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 1626190275
    ISBN 13: 9781626190276
    File Format: EPUB

    From the early days of Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book” at Monticello to the hustle and bustle of the modern City Market on Water Street, Charlottesville has an illustrious culinary history. The city’s cuisine is characterized by a delight in locally raised ingredients. The locavore mentality appears at all levels of Charlottesville’s food industry, including the nationally acknowledged methods of Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farms, the sourcing of local pork for Chipotle’s Charlottesville location and the accessibility of regional ingredients everywhere from Whole Foods Market to online favorite Relay Foods. Author and food enthusiast Casey Ireland explores how Charlottesville’s residents have created a food culture that is all their own..”

    Tastes of Faith: Eating in the United States by Leah Hochman [1557537992, Format: EPUB]

    Title: Tastes of Faith: Jewish Eating in the United States (The Jewish Role in American Life: an Annual Review of the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life)
    Autor: Leah Hochman
    Print Length: 160 pages
    Publisher (Publication Date): Purdue University Press (December 15, 2017)
    Language: English
    ASIN: B077TY3HP4
    ISBN-10: 1557537992
    ISBN-13: 978-1557537997
    File Format: EPUB

    “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are,” wrote the eighteenth-century French politician and musician Jean Brillat-Savarin, giving expression to long held assumptions about the role of food, taste, and eating in the construction of cultural identities. Foodways—the cultural, religious, social, economic, and political practices related to food consumption and production—unpack and reveal the meaning of what we eat, our tastes. They explain not just our flavor profiles, but our senses of refinement and judgment. They also reveal quite a bit about the history and culture of how food operates and performs in society. Jewish food practices and products expose and explain how different groups within American society think about what it means to be Jewish and the values (as well as the prejudices) people have about what “Jewish” means. Food—what one eats, how one eats it, when one eats it—is a fascinating entryway into identity; for Jews, it is at once a source of great nostalgia and pride, and the central means by which acculturation and adaptation takes place. In chapters that trace the importance and influence of the triad of bagels, lox, and cream cheese, southern kosher hot barbecue, Jewish vegetarianism, American recipes in Jewish advice columns, the draw of eating treyf (nonkosher), and the geography of Jewish food identities, this volume explores American Jewish foodways, predilections, desires, and presumptions.

    Where People Feast: An Indigenous People’s Cookbook by Annie Watts [1551522217, Format: EPUB]

    Title: Where People Feast: An Indigenous People’s Cookbook
    Autor: Annie Watts
    Print Length: 196 pages
    Publisher (Publication Date): Arsenal Pulp Press (May 1, 2007)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 1551522217
    ISBN-13: 978-1551522210
    File Format: EPUB

    The food traditions of North America’s indigenous peoples are centuries old and they endure to this day. For almost two decades, Dolly Watts and her daughter Annie have served native cuisine that is both traditional and modern; for them, Where People Feast, one of very few indigenous cookbooks available, is the culmination of a lifetime dedicated to introducing people to extraordinary foods that are truly North American. Recipes include Smoked Salmon Mousse, Indian Tacos, Venison Meatballs, Alder-Grilled Breast of Pheasant, Blackberry-Glazed Beets, Wild Rice Pancakes, and Wild Blueberry Cobbler. Includes sixteen full-color photos and 120 recipes.

    Dolly and Annie Watts run Vancouver’s Liliget Feast House, the only Native American fine dining establishment of its kind, which received a four-star “recommended” rating from The New York Times. In 2004, Dolly won on an episode of the Food Network’s Iron Chef.

    Izakaya (Cookery) by Hardie Grant Books [174270042X, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Izakaya (Cookery)
    • Autor: Hardie Grant Books
    • Print Length: 176 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Hardie Grant Grp; 01 edition (August 1, 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B005GL767S
    • ISBN-10: 174270042X
    • ISBN-13: 978-1742700427
    • File Format: EPUB

    Izakaya introduces you to the world of Japanese bar food, with 75 delicious and authentic recipes. There are small bites, such as Lotus Chips and Japanese Pickles, salads like Green Beans with Black Sesame Dressing, along with a range of tempting skewers such as Nori-wrapped Scallops and Pork with Umeboshi. Bigger dishes include Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), Pork Gyoza (dumplings) and Steamed Fish with Miso and Mirin, while sweets might be Sesame Mousse with Red Bean or Green Tea Candied Chestnuts. Some of the recipes feature Japanese ingredients that might already be in your cupboard – soy sauce, miso paste and soba noodles – while others use ingredients that may be less familiar – ponzu sauce, ichimi spice mix and shiso leaves. With stunning photography and recipes that are authentic yet not overly complicated, Izakaya is the perfect book for anyone who wants to make beautiful, simple Japanese bar food at home.

    SOUTHERN LIVING Best Southern Recipes: 179 All-Time Favorites by The Editors Of Southern Living [0848752112, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: SOUTHERN LIVING Best Southern Recipes: 179 All-Time Favorites
    • Autor: The Editors Of Southern Living
    • Print Length: 114 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Southern Living (September 30, 2016)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN:
    • ISBN-10: 0848752112
    • ISBN-13: 978-0848752118
    • File Format: EPUB

    The best flavors of the South!

    If you love some of the South’s most well-known dishes, including shrimp and grits, fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits and more, then the experts from the legendary Southern Living Test Kitchen have the guide you need: Best Southern Recipes. Make all your favorites — and new twists on classics — with step-by-step recipes for dozens of Southern dishes, including spoonbread, sweet tea, barbecue ribs, even beignets! This mouthwatering Collector’s Edition features 179 sure-fire recipes with beautiful photographs and step-by-step instructions, plus tips and tricks for getting the best results—all from the experts at Southern Living, the beloved magazine dedicated to sharing the best of the South. Delight family and friends with classics including Chicken, Shrimp, and Ham Jambalaya, Stovetop Red Beans and Rice, and Smoked Brisket. Impress everyone with delicious Beef Fajitas with Pico de Gallo, Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie, and Gulf Coast Seafood Stew. No matter what you’re craving, now you can create it at home—with help from Southern Living!

    Kitchen Gypsy: Recipes and Stories from a Lifelong Romance with Food (Sunset) by Joanne Weir [0848746031, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Kitchen Gypsy: Recipes and Stories from a Lifelong Romance with Food (Sunset)
    • Autor: Joanne Weir
    • Print Length:
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Oxmoor House (September 15, 2015)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN:
    • ISBN-10: 0848746031
    • ISBN-13: 978-0848746032
    • File Format: EPUB
    From the beloved host and producer of PBS series Joanne Weir’s Cooking Confidence and Joanne Weir Gets Fresh.
    “Joanne’s infectious enthusiasm…draws readers effortlessly into a new and beautiful relationship to food.” – Alice Waters
    Chef, cooking instructor, and PBS television host Joanne Weir has inspired legions of home cooks with her signature California-Mediterranean cuisine and warm, engaging style. In Kitchen Gypsy, the James Beard Award-winning author offers a taste of the people, places, and flavors that have inspired her throughout the years.
    With refreshing honesty and humor, Joanne shares the spark that led to her love of cooking, how she learned to taste and develop a palate, the meal that would forever change her life, her years working with Alice Waters at Chez Panisse during the beginning of the farm-to-table movement, and her continued travels teaching cooking classes the world over.
    Throughout, she offers the cherished dishes and lessons that have shaped her culinary journey, from the 140-year-old Lighting Cake recipe handed down from her great-grandmother to the luxurious Beef Roulade with Mushrooms and Garlic perfected during her Master Chef training in France, and the approachable, globally-inspired dishes, like Fried Pork Belly Tacos and Autumn Salad with Figs and Pomegranate, that have made her a favorite of home cooks.
    Lushly illustrated with full-color photographs, Kitchen Gypsy is both an inspirational cooking resource and an armchair read, offering recipes made to be shared and savored against the colorful backdrop of Weir’s evocative writing.

    Cooking Light Lighten Up, America!: Favorite American Foods Made Guilt-Free by Editors of Cooking Light Magazine [0848739590, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Cooking Light Lighten Up, America!: Favorite American Foods Made Guilt-Free
    • Autor: Editors of Cooking Light Magazine
    • Print Length: 320 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Oxmoor House (October 22, 2013)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00DP3NDDA
    • ISBN-10: 0848739590,
    • ISBN-13: 978-0848739591,
    • File Format: EPUB

    Cooking Light Lighten Up, America! is a celebration and discovery of regional American cooking, and the permission to eat the foods you love–it’s the soul of American cooking made light.

    This collection of America’s favorite fare offers healthy versions of classics new and old, memory-making recipes from all walks of life and regions, and returns the most beloved American dishes to the table.

    Lighten Up, America! follows Allison Fishman Task as she embarks on a cross-country road trip in search of the country’s favorite classic dishes. Allison shows the reader how to take these regional recipes and make them lighter and healthier with a few simple substitutions and smart cooking techniques. From caramel-pecan sticky buns to reuben sandwiches to fried green tomatoes, this book teaches how to turn what might have been once-in-awhile favorites into everyday classics.

    Highlights include:

    • Classic American Dishes Made Lighter: Readers will rediscover regional American cooking and eat the food they love through more than 150 delicious recipes from coast to coast. All with complete nutrition analysis.
    • Regional Culinary Traditions: Join Allison as she tells delightful and tantalizing stories behind some of our most beloved regional dishes. Each story gives insight into regional flavor and color while celebrating iconic fare like Memphis barbecue, New Orleans gumbo, and Iowa pork tenderloin sandwiches.
    • Insider’s View of Festivals and Food Fairs: Allison also visits food fairs and festivals, so you’ll get a behind- the-scenes look at some of the more unusual foods this great country has to offer such as wild boar nachos, bear meatloaf, and dandelion soup.
    • Food Born In America: Allison will share inspiring stories about the many American entrepreneurs and home cooks who conceived and popularized recipes and ingredients. Take the Philly cheesesteak, Cobb salad, and stuffing–just to name a few–all crafted through the ingenuity of American food lovers.
    • Pin It: Pin your favorite recipes to Pinterest—directly from the e-book!

    Southern Living Off the Eaten Path: Second Helpings: Tasty eats and delicious stories from the South’s less-traveled trails by Morgan Murphy [0848739558, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Southern Living Off the Eaten Path: Second Helpings: Tasty eats and delicious stories from the South’s less-traveled trails
    • Autor: Morgan Murphy
    • Print Length: 272 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Oxmoor House (May 7, 2013)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00M0DIGII
    • ISBN-10: 0848739558
    • ISBN-13: 978-0848739553
    • File Format: EPUB
    • Second Helpings devours the South in five big bites, each chapter charting a tasty trail through one Southern sub region. Each of the five recipe chapters covers three to four states, eight to 12 eateries, and 24 to 32 restaurant recipes that will inspire your own home cooking.
    • With humor and his uniquely Southern voice, Murphy introduces you to each restaurant, recipe, and attraction, highlighting the best iconic Southern dishes to try in each region, from biscuits and gravy to white barbecued chicken and peanut butter pie.
    • Worth the drive: Murphy showcases one restaurant, character, or dish in each state as not just worth stopping for but worth driving out of your way to see– a BEST in each state.

    Southern Living Little Jars, Big Flavors: Small-batch jams, jellies, pickles, and preserves from the South’s most trusted kitchen by Editors of Southern Living Magazine [0848739523, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Southern Living Little Jars, Big Flavors: Small-batch jams, jellies, pickles, and preserves from the South’s most trusted kitchen by Editors of Southern Living Magazine (April 16 2013)
    • Autor: aa
    • Print Length: 256 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Oxmoor House; 46804th edition (1994)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00DELM50U
    • ISBN-10: 0848739523
    • ISBN-13: 978-0848739522
    • File Format: EPUB

    Joanne Weir’s More Cooking in the Wine Country: 100 New Recipes for Living and Entertaining by Joanne Weir [0743212517, Format: EPUB]

    • Title: Joanne Weir’s More Cooking in the Wine Country: 100 New Recipes for Living and Entertaining
    • Autor: Joanne Weir
    • Print Length: 336 pages
    • Publisher (Publication Date): Simon & Schuster (February 21, 2012)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B006JCVMD2
    • ISBN-10: 0743212517
    • ISBN-13: 978-0743212519
    • File Format: EPUB

    No matter where you make your home, you can bring the pleasures of the wine country to your table.

    Northern California is on the same latitude as many of the countries of the Mediterranean, and award-winning chef Joanne Weir’s cooking embodies the vivid flavors of that region. In this book, Weir shares 150 new recipes from the second season of her acclaimed public television series, Weir Cooking in the Wine Country, presented with all the warmth, enthusiasm, skill, and flair that has made her a household name.

    Weir’s style of cooking and serving changes throughout the year, celebrating the bounty of the field, the orchard, the pasture, the river, and the sea with simple, boldly flavored dishes inspired by the freshest ingredients of the season. Enhanced by more than 45 color and black-and- white photographs, this spectacular volume explores the vivid and varied tastes of California with a feast of Mediterranean dishes that are certain to delight you with their exceptional flavors.

    From starters to desserts, Weir has created a bounty of delectable recipes, expertly explained. A first course of Grilled Bread with Fava Beans and Escarole or Endive with Gorgonzola, Caramelized Onions, and Fig Jam brings friends and family to the table. Creamy Fennel Soup chases the autumn chill, while Roasted Yellow Pepper, Corn, and Tomato Soup is the essence of late summer. Try the Stone Fruit Summer Salad when peaches and plums are at their juicy best, and the True Blue Salad on a cool evening. Main courses are deeply flavored: Chicken Rolled with Fontina, Prosciutto, and Sage; Braised Leg of Lamb with Artichokes, with Lemon and Garlic-Roasted Potatoes; Moroccan Spice-Dusted Salmon with Lemon Mint Yogurt. Tempting options for dessert include Double Chocolate Custard, Summer Cherry and Apricot Galette with Kirsch Cream, Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread, Polenta Shortbread, and Ginger Ice Cream with Chocolate-Covered Almonds. There are also suggestions for the right wine to pair with each dish.

    Food Culture in the Mediterranean: (Food Culture around the World) by Carol Helstosky [0313346267, Format: PDF]

    Food Culture in the Mediterranean (Food Culture around the World) by Carol Helstosky

    • Print Length: 189 Pages
    • Publisher: Greenwood
    • Publication Date: March 20, 2009
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B002AS9R0O
    • ISBN-10: 0313346267
    • ISBN-13: 978-0313346262
    • File Format: PDF

    Food that originated from the Mediterranean area is incredibly popular. Pasta, pizza, gyros, kebab, and falafel can be found just about everywhere. Many people throughout the world have a good idea of what Mediterranean cuisine and diet are all about, but they know less about the entire food culture of the region. This one-stop source provides the broadest possible understanding of food culture throughout the region, giving a variety of examples and evidence from the southern Mediterranean or North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt), the Western Mediterranean or European side of the Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, and the French and Italian islands), to the eastern Mediterranean or Levant (Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel).

    The Mediterranean region region is home to three of the world’s major religions, and for centuries, the Mediterranean Sea has been an invitation to trade, travel, conquest, and immigration. Where different cultures, beliefs, and traditions mix there is always volatility and tension, but there is also great energy. Understanding the food culture in the Mediterranean is one way readers can see how people of different regions come together, share ideas and information to create new dishes, meals, traditions, and forms of sociability. This volume answers questions such as Do people in the Mediterranean still eat the Mediterranean Diet or do they eat American style? Why is it that the same ingredients can be prepared in so many different ways, even in the same country? Why would cooks take the time to make foods like zucchini, lentils, or figs into dozens of different dishes? How and why do religious rituals differ regarding food preparation? What do Jews, Muslims, and Christians eat on religious holidays? Do people eat out or eat at home? Why is hospitality so important to Mediterranean people and what do they do to demonstrate hospitality and good will through the preparation and serving of meals?

    China (International Cuisine) by Christine Yau [0340811188, Format: PDF]

    China (International Cuisine) by Christine Yau

    • Print Length: 208 Pages
    • Publisher: Hodder Arnold
    • Publication Date: July 30, 2004
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0340811188
    • ISBN-13: 978-0340811184
    • File Format: PDF

    De-mystify the key principles of Chinese cookery and create your own exciting array of authentic dishes with “International Cuisine: China”. Written by two highly regarded experts with a comprehensive knowledge both of the cuisine and its many applications, this book provides in-depth coverage of the key regional influences and essential techniques of Chinese cookery. It is packed with a wide range of dishes, promising a mouth-watering blend of traditional ingredients. From soups and starters to impressive main courses, many of the recipes are accompanied by stunning full colour photographs, as well as clear illustrations of key methods and the use of unique cooking utensils. “International Cuisine: China” is an accessible and innovative step-by-step guide to Chinese cookery, and will prove the ideal kitchen companion for students, professionals and enthusiasts alike.