The Vegan Warrior by Irvine Walsh [PDF: B083F4SSCM]

The Vegan Warrior by Irvine Walsh

  • Title: The Vegan Warrior: Vegan Warrior: Green Athletic Fitness Blueprint
  • Autor: Irvine Walsh
  • Pages: 57
  • Publisher (Publication Date): January 1, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B083F4SSCM
  • Download File Format: PDF

“Vegan Warrior: Green Athletic Fitness Blueprint” contains
proven steps and strategies on how to begin your own vegan diet,
how to maintain and acquire the type of body you wish on a
vegan diet and presents to you athletes and prominent
individuals who debunk some of the greatest myths when it
comes to the world of vegan eating.
Many individuals believe that a vegan lifestyle is not a lifestyle
conducive to muscle building or psychological health.
Many believe vegans cannot possibly obtain the protein sources they
need in order to keep their bodies working efficiently, and others
believe that a vegan lifestyle is not one that should be held for the
long haul. Many people are under the assumption that, in order
to live a healthy and productive life inside (and outside) of the
gym that one has to consistently chug protein shakes and energy
supplements in order to improve performance.
Well, we are here to let you know that none of these are true. This
book will have real-life athletes who not only live a vegan
lifestyle, but prove that performance and muscle-building are
not simply based around the idea of laboratory-manufactured
and animal-based protein sources. This book will talk about the
true dietary needs of vegans and where they get their sources
from, and it will compare the types of nutrients and proteins
other dietary lifestyles obtain in order to show that vegans do not
simply go without, they just choose to broaden their food-based
Not only that, but many people believe that a vegan lifestyle
cannot possibly give someone the energy they need in order to go
workout in a gym for two hours. Well, not only will this be yet
another myth debunked within the pages of this book, but it will
also be something we address in full. That is, we will outline
various workout plans and routines that will benefit the vegan
lifestyle you have chosen (or are, at least, curious about) in order
to achieve the physical benefits you want for your own body.
Yes, it is possible to
build muscle on a vegan
diet, and yes, it is
possible to keep up
those cardio-based
marathons on a vegan
diet. In fact, you will be
genuinely surprised as to how similar the workout routines are
of those who “eat vegan” and those who do not.
Vegans are not individuals who shove their beliefs down
someone’s throat. They are individuals who are merely
passionate about abstaining from the use of animal products.
They do not consume them and, in some individuals, they even
attempt to not use them. Are there extremists? Yes, but there are
extremists in every healthy lifestyle.
Within the pages of this book will be dietary outlines for those
who are (or want to be) vegan, exercise guidelines for those
eating this type of food lifestyle, and athletes that will be
highlighted in order to show real-life examples as to how this
works. Not only that, but these athletes will have their own
personal testimonies as to why they began this lifestyle and how
it has benefitted them in the long run.
And, as if that was not enough, all of those dreaded myths
perpetuated about the vegan lifestyle will finally be debunked.
Welcome to the new and amazing world of the vegan warriors.