- Title: 50 DAYS VEGETARIAN DIABETIC COOKBOOK FOR NEWLY DIAGNOSED: 4-week Meal Plan with Scientifically Proven Recipes to Reverse Type 1 & 2 Diabetes without Drugs; Plant-based Meal for People
- Pages:
- Publisher (Publication Date): September 28, 2020
- Language: English
- Download File Format:PDF
What exactly is diabetes? How does it work? Does having the disorder suggest I can’t eat something that contains sugar? These are just some of the questions frequently posed about a topic, which is sometimes overwhelming. This 50 Days Vegetarian Diabetes Cookbook deals with them explicitly, quickly and specifically. In this Cookbook, the vegetarian recipes concentrate on reducing sugars, too much fat and essential calories for people with diabetes.
These dishes are very tasteful and 100% vegetarian and diabetic friendly.
The 70+ delicious recipes followed by were particularly and carefully crafted for a diabetic and vegetarian person. These breakfasts, lunches and dinners, for vegetarian or non-vegans, deliver a smooth and nutritious variety of diabetes-friendly meals for you to enjoy daily.
Below is a preview of what you should expect:
◆Adopting a Program for Vegetarian Meal
◆Gaining adequate nutrition
◆Protein Intake
◆Fats Intake
◆Carbohydrate Intake
◆Vitamins and minerals Intake
◆What research show
◆Switching to a vegetarian
◆Few ideas to get started on a vegetarian meal schedule
◆Vegetarian recipes
◆And lot more.