Vegetarianism and Veganism by David E. Newton [EPUB: 1440867631]

Vegetarianism and Veganism by David E. Newton

  • Title: Vegetarianism and Veganism: A Reference Handbook
  • Author: David E. Newton
  • Pages: 344
  • Publisher (Publication Date): ABC-CLIO (June 24, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1440867631
  • Download File Format: EPUB

This detailed and comprehensive overview of meat-free diets introduces readers to their long history in human cultures and analyzes some of the important questions and issues surrounding their practice in today’s world.

Vegetarianism and Veganism: A Reference Handbook provides a history and background of vegetarianism and veganism from prehistorical times to the present day, along with detailed discussions of the practice in each historical period since that time. The ancillary chapters provide additional information on important individuals and organizations in the field, relevant data and documents on the topic, an annotated bibliography, a chronology of important events, and a glossary of terms likely to be encountered in the field. Of special interest is the Perspectives chapter, in which stakeholders in the topic write about some specific aspect of its importance in their own lives.

Intended for high school, college, an general readers, the volume covers the field of vegetarianism and veganism in cultures from around the world. Some specific topics include ancient views of vegetarianism, religious stands on the practice, the growth of vegetarian and vegan institutions, and current controversies over the practice of meat-free diets. It also includes a host of resources that readers can use to continue their own research in the field.

• Illustrates the rich background of individuals who have promoted and practiced vegetarianism throughout the ages

• Describes some reasons that people choose to become vegetarians or vegans

• Talks about the positive and negative nutritional issues involved in living a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle

• Comments on reasons that some people have (sometimes strong) opposition to vegetarian and/or vegan lifestyles