Vegan Meal Prep by Sidney Ellison [EPUB: B07XX3P41D]

Vegan Meal Prep by Sidney Ellison

  • Title: Vegan Meal Prep: Power Packed Delicious Meal Recipes
  • Autor: Sidney Ellison
  • Pages: 147
  • Publisher (Publication Date): September 14, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10:
  • ASIN: B07XX3P41D
  • Download File Format: EPUB

The Ultimate Meal Prep Guide for Vegans

Vegan diets sound great but everyone knows they’re tough to adopt. There’s the lack of flavor, difficulty in prepping and the constant question: Is this vegan?

Well, not anymore!

In this book, Sidney Ellison, author of The Vegan Cookbook for Athletes and The Plant Based Diet Meal Plan, gives you her healthiest and easy to create meal recipes. You too can adopt the vegan diet easily and start eating the way nature intended for you!

Join the readers who have found the best way to adpot a healthier lifestyle with smart tips including:

Why you need to go vegan- are you living the best life you can right now?
How to adopt a vegan diet – including hundreds of delicious recipes such as:
Italian Style Quinoa Noodle Soup
Edamame Hummous Wrap
Spicy Buffalo Chickpea Wraps
Rainbow Ribollita
African Peanut Stew
The easiest way to a healthy diet- and what you’ve been doing wrong all this while
Meal prepping made oh-so-easy!

and so much more!

Go ahead and explore the book by looking inside and take a look at the delicious recipes that await you!