- Title:Various Beef Meals for Everyday!: Amazing Beef Recipes!
- Author: April Blomgren
- Pages: 102
- Publisher (Publication Date): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 6, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1720845816
- Download File Format:EPUB
As a food, beef has been well-known since ancient times. The Romans, Germans and the Carthaginians cultivated this type of cattle and used it in the most intelligent possible way.
Cattle means the animals that eat grass, and it has been used by people for centuries especially on the territory of Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
The original representatives of cattle were much higher than today’s ones, and according to some sources – they were larger than nowadays.
Through hundreds of generations, certain selected species were raised only for meat purposes, while some others – only for milk. Today, there are several types of cattle and countless artificial selections. Of all these species, only 32 of them are classified as a good source of quality meat.
It has been proven that the taste of the meat depends on the variety, age, and method of breeding the cattle. So, make sure to pick the right one when preparing these recipes.