- Title: The World Food Economy 2nd Edition
- Autor: Douglas D. Southgate Jr., Douglas H. Graham, Luther G. Tweeten
- Pages: 464
- Publisher (Publication Date): Wiley; 2 edition (December 7, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0470593628
- Download File Format: PDF
The World Food Economy, 2nd Edition continues to provide a broad introduction to the economics of food and agriculture. As consumers and producers continue to feel the effects of expanded global commodity trade, food aide, and national legislation in response to globalisation, this text assesses the challenges of satisfying food demand in both rich and poor countries alike. This second edition includes a new chapter devoted to biofuel developments and the price of energy in the United States and other nations. Other revised topics which the authors have paid specific attention to include price-trends and new research about trade restrictions and policy-induced distortions in prices. Each chapter addresses economic and demographic trends, patterns of agricultural development, food consumption, and key food issues while comparing and contrasting economics amongst countries. This regional focus ensures that the information presented throughout The World Food Economy is relevant and current for students.