The Sirtfood Diet by Adele Adani [EPUB:9918951397 ]

The Sirtfood Diet by Adele Adani

  • Title:The Sirtfood Diet: Step by Step Guide for the Activation of Skinny Gene, Sirtuin Protein and Efficient Metabolism. Weekly Meal Plans, Delicious Recipes for Beginners and Intermittent Fasting Notions
  • Author:Adele Adani
  • Pages:104
  • Publisher (Publication Date):Independently Published; Large type / Large print edition (October 16, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:9918951397
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Do you want to lose weight and still enjoy eating tasteful foods such as: chocolate, red wine, strawberries and berries, forgetting that you are undertaking a diet?

Do you want to increase your concentration and increase your daily energy?

We’d like to introduce you to the Sirtfood diet, describing the two single stages as the original the UK nutritionists inventors teach.This diet, thanks to the consumption of specific aliments, called Sirt, will activate your skinny gene and consequently the body’s own weight-loss system.

Sirtuinis a protein that pays a role in aging and longevity, inflammation, protecting also the heart, thanks to its role in managing processes such as metabolism and cellular death.

In this book you can find:

Concepts and scientific studies of Sirt dietSecrets and properties of 20 Sirtfoods that will help you lose weightHow to lose up to 7lbs a weekWeekly meal plansand tasty recipesSport exercises to maximize your results

How to combine Sirt foods with Intermittent Fasting

and more…

Even if you already tried to burn fatand tried diets without results, with this book you can discoverthis new healthy approach to lose extra pounds.