- Title: The Simple Art of Japanese Cooking: Everything You Need in a Japanese Cookbook
- Autor: Alice Waterson
- Pages:
- Publisher (Publication Date): June 4th 2018
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- Download File Format: EPUB
Japanese cooking has become very popular over the past decades. Food is an important part of Japanese culture, where it has been elevated to an art form, combining textures and colors to perfection. When properly plated, a Japanese dish should present an inviting picture.
This Japanese Cookbook uses typical Japanese ingredients that you should always have on hand, such as mirin, rice vinegar, sesame seeds, seaweed, and ginger. These ingredients make up the basis of many recipes in this Japanese Cookbook. It’s what makes Japanese cuisine so unique and delicious.
The recipes in this Japanese Cookbook are healthful as they use very little oil, just a dash of sesame seed oil for the occasional sauteing.
You’ll love preparing impressive sushi appetizers and flavorful broths that enhance any meal. The recipes in this Cookbook are perfect for family dinners and impressive when entertaining guests.