The Perfect DIY Dessert Bars Cookbook by Josephine Ellise [EPUB: B0BY9LBPBJ]

The Perfect DIY Dessert Bars Cookbook by Josephine Ellise [EPUB: B0BY9LBPBJ]

  • Title:The Perfect DIY Dessert Bars Cookbook: Recipes that Will Blow Your Mind Away! (Bar Recipes to Satisfy Your Cravings)
  • Author: Josephine Ellise
  • Pages: 66
  • Publisher (Publication Date):March 12, 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B0BY9LBPBJ
  • Download File Format:EPUB

I have had conversations with people close to me and found out that a lot of them tend to boycott desserts for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons given was that desserts are too sugary and can lead to a lot of sugar-related illnesses.

Another reason that I heard was of the opinion that desserts can’t add to your nutrition intake, especially when you’re on a diet. Another person said he doesn’t like desserts because he gets addicted to them.

Dessert bars are not just delicious, but they contain minimal amounts of sugar that are not dangerous to health! With dessert bars eaten in the right servings, as highlighted in this recipe book, diabetes is nothing to worry about.

Asides from that, dessert bars are healthy. They are beneficial to the body in the following ways such as boosting your mood, helping you to have a balanced diet, and containing nutrients that boost overall well-being!

You won’t get addicted to dessert bars as you would to junk food. If you want to try dessert bars and believe that you won’t get addicted, then this recipe book is the right one for you.