The Corona-Proof Cookbook by Adrian Belizeard [EPUB: B086DRKS28]

The Corona-Proof Cookbook by Adrian Belizeard

  • Title: The Corona-Proof Cookbook: 3 Meals A Day With No Eggs, Bread, Pasta, Potatoes, Or Anything Else That’s Sold Out At The Grocery Store
  • Autor: Adrian Belizeard
  • Pages: 43
  • Publisher (Publication Date): March 25, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B086DRKS28
  • Download File Format: EPUB

Your go-to recipes and cookbooks all have a problem; they have ingredients that are not available at the store because of people stocking up for the coronavirus. It takes a lot of energy to find a recipe that doesn’t use eggs, rice, pasta, potatoes, or other common staples that are no longer easily accessible. To combat this problem, our cookbook only has ingredients that are still in grocery stores, and will not likely run out any time soon. This is for every meal of the day. Enjoy!