- Title: The Complete Pie and Tart Cookbook: Master the Art of Baking Pies and Tarts at Home, with Love! (Baking Cookbook Book 6)
- Author: Anna Goldman
- Pages: 758
- Publisher (Publication Date): June 16, 2020
- Language: English
- ASIN: B08BC7C59T
- Download File Format: PDF
40 Pie & Tart Recipes with a Ton of Bonus Content!
All recipes in this book have Nutritional Information. This Book Includes:
All the basic information you will need to get started with Baking
40 Insanely Delicious Pie & Tart Recipes
Bonus: 120 Cheesecake Recipes
Bonus: 250 Muffin and Cupcake Recipes
Bonus: 155 Cookie Recipes
Bonus: 202 Cake Recipes
Bonus: 50 Recipes of Baked French Desserts