- Title: The Complete Guide to Renal Diet: Improve the Function of Your Kidneys with These Simple Recipes
- Autor: Valeria Ray
- Pages:74
- Publisher (Publication Date): July 12, 2019
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- ASIN: B07V2R9X2D
- Download File Format: EPUB
Do you want to keep your kidneys healthy? The Renal Diet is recommended for the ones that are experiencing issues or just want to prevent future problems. If you are not familiar with the basics, then the Guide To Rena Diet will become your number one source of information. You will find out which foods should be avoided, and which ones should be consumed in generous amounts.
Caring for your health does not have to mean that you will give up tasty foods. Be sure that you will be eating a whole variety of delicious dishes while keeping your kidneys healthy at the same time. You will stumble upon the tastiest lunch, dinner, and dessert ideas. Don’t worry, because they are not complicated to make.
Want to experience the benefits of the Renal diet? Order your copy of this book right now!