The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners by Tracy D. Sullivan [EPUB: B083ZYHV5F]

The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners by Tracy D. Sullivan

  • Title: The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners: Top 444 Essential Anti-Inflammatory Diet Recipes to Heal the Immune System and Restore Overall Health (with 30 days meal plan)
  • Autor: Tracy D. Sullivan
  • Pages: 763
  • Publisher (Publication Date): January 17, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B083ZYHV5F
  • Download File Format: EPUB

Unfortunately, the average diet of most of the Western world does little to combat chronic inflammation while at the same time doing plenty to help it along. This includes things like a distinct lack of omega-3 fatty acids as they are rarely found in the processed food that is growing increasingly more prevalent worldwide. Unfortunately, these processed foods do contain a large amount of omega-6 fatty acids and this imbalance specifically is known to cause an increase in the amount of inflammation that a person experience. What’s worse, the lengths that most people have to go to on a regular basis to ensure they are eating nutritious foods that have not been processed makes it difficult for them to do so regularly.

This is where the anti-inflammatory diet comes in as it makes it easier for individuals to know that what they are eating is actively reducing the inflammatory buildup that they have been experiencing for years prior to the switch. A big reason for this is phytochemicals, naturally occurring chemicals that are found in many of the foods suggested in chapter 3 which are all known to reduce inflammation to various degrees.

While the primary use for the diet isn’t weight loss, the focus on natural, healthy meals with reasonable portion sizes means that many individuals do experience a degree of weight loss. This is especially true when it comes to those who previously consumed a higher than average amount of processed foods. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon that comes about when a person decides to eat fewer carbohydrates, unhealthy oils, and trans fats while at the same time filling up on healthy alternatives instead and there is no secret behind it; just clean, healthy eating.

With that being said, it is important to not expect too much too soon as the anti-inflammatory diet is always going to take longer to work than medicines designed directly to affect the problem in question. Rather, the anti-inflammatory diet is a positive lifestyle change that anyone can make that will, over time, make the need for such medicines completely unnecessary. The anti-inflammation diet won’t change your level of inflammation overnight, but it will change it for good.