- Title: Tea-Vitalize: Cold-Brew Teas and Herbal Infusions to Refresh and Rejuvenate
- Autor: Mimi Kirk
- Pages: 192
- Publisher (Publication Date):Countryman Press; 1 edition (July 16, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1682682838
- Download File Format: EPUB
Delicious teas to keep you hydrated and feeling young
Black, green, white, and oolong teas, as well as herbal infusions, have numerous health benefits, starting with hydration. Infused with fresh, vitamin- rich fruits, they become a fun and delicious way to increase your liquid consumption without turning to commercial drinks that may be high in calories and artificial additives. Cold brewing tea allows the leaves and other ingredients to slowly infuse the water and is, according to Mimi Kirk, the best way to achieve a smooth taste and extract the antioxidants and other benefits from the tea. For cold days or when you’re under the weather, her hot water infusions will warm and soothe.
In Tea-Vitalize, Kirk shares 70 recipes including:
Black Cold Brew Tea + Blackberries
Green Cold Brew Tea + Lavender + Lemon
Yerba Mate Cold Brew Infusion + Dried Orange + Mint
Rosemary Hot Water Infusion + Strawberries
Information about the health properties of each ingredient and gorgeous photography make Tea-Vitalize a resource readers will turn to again and again.
70 color photographs