- Title: Super Keto Smoothies & Juices (Elizabeth Jane Cookbook)
- Autor: Elizabeth Jane
- Pages: 42
- Publisher (Publication Date): May 12, 2016
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- ASIN: B01F5G1FT8
- Download File Format: EPUB
30 Super Keto Smoothies – The Easy Way To Keep On Your Keto Diet! All Delicious Too
30 Delicious Fat Burning Recipes Brimming With Powerful Nutrients
Includes Fruit & Non-Fruit Smoothies and Super Juices
Fruit Smoothies Include:
Raspberry Almond Smoothie
Strawberry Cheesecake Shake
Gingered Plum Smoothie
Non-Fruit Smoothies Include:
Cinnamon Roll Smoothie
Coconut Mocha Frappe
Minty Keto Milkshake
Super Juices Include:
Tropical Kiwi Juice
Pear Limeade
Cucumber Lemonade