- Title: Simple Homebrewing: Great Beer, Less Work, More Fun
- Autor: Denny Conn, Drew Beechum
- Pages: 250
- Publisher (Publication Date):Brewers Publications (June 7, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1938469593
- Download File Format: EPUB
Learn to brew the best possible beer with less work and the most fun! Simple Homebrewing reduces the complicated steps for making beer and returns brewing to the fundamentals. Explore easy techniques for directing water, malted barley, hops, and yeast (along with a few odd co-stars) become beer. Pick up tips and tricks for a range of brewing challenges like making water adjustments, working with adjunct ingredients, or making wild beers. Denny Conn and Drew Beechum will guide you from brewing extract to all-grain batches, discuss recipe design, small-batch brewing, and even share ideas on how to make technology work for you. Simple Homebrewing helps you develop a simple, thoughtful brewing process and makes homebrewing more accessible and enjoyable. Even experienced homebrewers can learn something from these two homebrew-famous brewers. Simple Homebrewing features fun and expert advice for brewers of all levels.