- Title: Shazam: Transform our Taste Buds with These Recipes: Call the Wizard’s Name and Your Taste Buds Shall Find Piquancy
- Autor: Susan Gray
- Pages:
- Publisher (Publication Date): April 23, 2020
- Language: English
- Download File Format: EPUB
You cannot take anything away from the DCEU’s Captain Marvel – Shazam. With the Speed of Mercury, Super Strength of Hercules, Wisdom of Solomon, Bravery of Achilles, Zeus’s Lightning, and the Endurance of Atlas, it is literally impossible to take anything away from him. Well, except you are Dr. Fate or Dr. Strange or someone else with super magic.
Shazam is literally a “cocktail of gods,” and you know how cocktails are always superb? Yes, Shazam is superb. There are not many things as cool as Billy transforming to Shazam when he screams “Shazam!” and to go from an ordinary weak little boy to a super being is not something you see every day or at all.
What we have here are 30 recipes you do not see every day: combinations of ingredients that will make you feel superb, recipes that will transform your taste buds.