- Title: Saturday Night Meals: Delicious Meals for the Weekend (2nd Edition)
- Autor: BookSumo Press
- Pages: 59
- Publisher (Publication Date): BookSumo Press; 2 edition (August 11, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1089866925
- Download File Format: PDF
Enjoy the weekend. With Delicious Recipes ONLY for Saturday Nights!
Make Saturday Nights your favorite night! With these delicious and easy recipes.
Come take a journey into the delights of delicious Saturday Night cooking. The point of this cookbook is effortless cooking.
In this cookbook we focus on Saturday Night cooking. Saturday Night Meals is an innovative cookbook that will teach you some simple but delicious meals that will make Saturday nights fun and special!
Here is a preview of some fun meals for Saturday nights:
Pepperjack Pizza
Weekend Taco Lasagna
A Baked Mexican Medley
Elbow Macaroni Dinner
Azteca Tacos
New England Fried Chips and Fried Fish
Fettuccini Shrimp & Scallions
New England Style Stuffing
Yankee Fried Honey and Garlic Chicken
Manhattan Style Cheesecake
Classical Baked Beans from Boston
Noodles Russian Style
Japanese Style Egg Noodle
Southwest Nachos
much much more…
Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!
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