Plant Based Cookbook 2021 by AMZ Publishing [EPUB:B08ZJ2D5SK ]

Plant Based Cookbook 2021 by AMZ Publishing

  • Title:Plant Based Cookbook 2021: Plant Based Cookbook for Beginners with 21 Day Meal Plan: Plant-Based Diet Cookbook with Easy and Delicious Plant Based Recipes
  • Author:AMZ Publishing
  • Pages:137
  • Publisher (Publication Date):March 17, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:B08ZJ2D5SK
  • Download File Format:EPUB

With more and more people rallying behind the need for a healthy lifestyle, a plant-based diet is fast becoming the newest medium for health enthusiasts seeking a sustainable diet module. This rise has also led to a lot of confusion among people as the market is flooded with information on diet habits. Consisting entirely or mostly of plant-based foods, the diet is derived from plant products including grains, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, and fruits.

The diet avoids any kind of animal-source foods. As per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a well-managed plant-based diet is healthy enough to meet the needs of the human body. The diet has also proved to be safe during pregnancy and lactation for women. Often confused with the vegan diet, a plant-based diet is a cross-link between the two.