Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook by Sarah Spencer [EPUB:1978240643 ]

Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook by Sarah Spencer

  • Title:Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook: Easy to Prepare Healthy Crock Pot Paleo Recipes
  • Author:Sarah Spencer
  • Pages:125
  • Publisher (Publication Date):The Cookbook Publisher; 1st edition (September 10, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:1978240643
  • Download File Format:EPUB

he Paleo diet follows the diet of our prehistoric ancestors when agriculture and food processing did not exist. After thousands of years since the Paleolithic Period, the human body has still not adapted grains, cereals, and processed food, resulting in all types of diseases.

To follow a Paleo diet means you limit your meals to meat, fish, nuts, herbs, seeds, spices, vegetables as well as seasonal fruit, and natural oils. Processed food, grains, legumes, dairy, processed oils, and sweeteners are to be avoided. This incredibly simple diet provides your body with increased energy, more vitality, and focus, weight loss, less body inflammation, improved your overall health and many more health benefits.

The Paleo diet has become very popular, with many attesting to its simplicity as well as its effectiveness. However, some mistakenly think that following this diet means going back to the cave-man style of food preparation; that is, cooking meat over fire. Fortunately, it is possible to effectively follow a Paleo diet without doing away with modern conveniences.

We have the advantage of using modern technology to provide the benefits that our prehistoric ancestors were not lucky enough to enjoy. By slow-cooking, we can extract all the goodness, flavor and nutrition from meat, bones, and cartilage meaning that we can get all the great stuff in concentrated form as broths and savory dishes.

Whatever type of Paleo diet you are following, you are sure to find a recipe in this cookbook to suit your needs. You can mix and match recipes to come up with satisfying combinations for each meal of the day.