Optavia Cookbook by Olive Bennett [EPUB: B08V5LGSJZ]

Optavia Cookbook by Olive Bennett

  • Title: Optavia Cookbook: Lean and Green Recipes & Fueling Snack Ideas. The Advanced Optavia Diet Cookbook With New Recipes to Make Your Weight Loss Easier. Healthy … and Yummy High-Protein Recipes on a Budget
  • Author:Olive Bennett
  • Pages:142
  • Publisher (Publication Date): January 26, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08V5LGSJZ
  • Download File Format:EPUB

ou want to lose weight effectively without starving yourself? ★★

Have you started with the Optavia diet and running out of ideas? Are you tired of boring lean and green recipes and repetitive fuelings? Would you like to lose some weight EFFECTIVELY with REAL food?

If you are here to start or keep losing weight without feeling restricted, check this out:

No Tracking Calories!
No pricey branded snacks!
No Yo-yo effect!

If you´re just about to start with your diet, or you´ve come across the initial Optavia Plans, this book will be the one for you. It is amazing to maintain your weight after a weight loss, but it´s a good idea to start with this plan too, with or without being on Optavia.

As a nutritionist and passionate cook, I recommend following the 3&3 plan right away, as it´s less aggressive yet effective and more flexible, which makes it much easier to stick to. This way, you can get the most out of your meals, still be in a caloric deficit, keep the weight loss moderate, and avoid shocking your body and facing the yo-yo effect.

Fuelings are easily the most exciting part for most dieters, but who wants to pay for the branded goods and eat only powdered meals for the rest of their lives? If you already have some of them at home, you know it´s not sustainable to live on these “snacks”.

In this book, I offer you various recipes to create lean & green recipes and fuelings at home, from the ingredients you know, and significantly cheaper.

Imagine you can make your diet much healthier, having a wider variety of your fuelings throughout the day that are nutrient-dense, whole-food, and on a budget. You can make them all on your own and avoid although clean-labeled, but still not whole-food, pricey snacks. Prep them in advance, keep them in your fridge, and you can grab them anytime you´ll need them.

All the meals in this Optavia Cookbook are adjusted to the right balance of macronutrients to help your body lose fat slowly but efficiently and retain muscle mass.

In this book, you will find:

A few words from a nutritionist at the beginning
Game-changing recipes to spice up your Optavia plan
Lean and green recipes
Smoothie recipes
Protein bars
Quick snack tips
Recipes with adjusted macronutrients
No need to track calories
Shopping list

For a comparison, you can get 7 protein bars in the Optavia program for $20, while with recipes in this book, you can make from 10 to 20 bars with one recipe, which will cost you about the same price.

Wait no longer and order this book to try more Optavia friendly recipes, save your money and your digestive system. You will save the planet as well by not buying so many packed bars and goods.

I know you are here for it!