- Title: Muffin Cookbook: Delicious Yet Easy Muffin Recipes That the Entire Family Will Enjoy
- Autor:Barbara Riddle
- Pages: 66
- Publisher (Publication Date):April 15, 2019
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- Download File Format: AZW3
What is more interesting than waking up to some hot moist, delicious muffin. The wonderful aroma permeating your home and the neighborhood. There is a favorite flavor for everyone.
Some enjoy chocolate, some blueberry but my favorite is coconut crumb topping muffin. Why purchase the expensive ones at the bakery when you can make so much more for the same price in the comfort of your own home. This Muffin Cookbook will teach you how to conserve on cost and much needed energy travelling to the store each time you need to enjoy your favorite muffin. You can enjoy tasty, hot muffins at home at your own convenience. Not only will you prepare great breakfast muffins, but also savory, interesting dinner muffins as well with toppings of your preference.
Preparing the muffin recipes in this book will have your entire home filled with the sweet aroma of delicious hot muffins, that your family and entire neighborhood will enjoy waking up to. Get your copy of this great Muffin Cookbook today!