- Title: Mini Northern Chinese Favorites (Periplus Mini Cookbook Series)
- Author:Daniel Reid
- Pages: 103
- Publisher (Publication Date): Periplus Editions (December 10, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 9781462913831
- Download File Format:EPUB
The evolution of northern Chinese cuisine has been strongly influenced by the relatively dry, cold climate and wind–swept steppes of northern China. It relies heavily on preserved foods and hearty fare to combat the harsh climate. Northern Chinese Favorites has everything you need to make 40 easy and authentic Chinese favorites. This book contains instructions for appetizers, desserts, meat, noodles, pancakes, poultry, seafood, soups, and vegetables. Recipes include:
Pressed tofu with spicy sauce
Sweet almond cream dessert
Five spice Beijing spareribs
Jiajiag Mian
Chicken with cashews
Hot and sour soup
Bok choy with black mushrooms
And many more!
Also included in this book are unit conversion tables, dual measurements, over 35 detailed photos, and an overview of basic Northern Chinese ingredients for creating authentic and appetizing Chinese favorites. Each recipe includes cook time, prep time, and serving sizes. Enjoy!