Meals to Binge on Doomsday Movies with by Kolby Moore [EPUB: B09P1J44DT]

Meals to Binge on Doomsday Movies with by Kolby Moore [EPUB: B09P1J44DT]

  • Title: Meals to Binge on Doomsday Movies with: Doomsday Recipes to Keep Handy for Unforeseen Circumstances
  • Author: Kolby Moore
  • Pages: 70
  • Publisher (Publication Date): December 21, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09P1J44DT
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Over the past couple of months, the whole world has experienced some sort of “doomsday” or another due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Days when “lockdown” was not just a word but an action that meant staying, put for fear of catching the virus if you stepped outside your home…

Days when you have to act or dress in a certain way to stay alive…

Days when you are fighting against what you don’t know (what you can’t see) and all you just want to do is to stay survive!

Days when you are the messiah that the world needs to get whole and safe again…

Living in such a time wasn’t something we were prepared for. But looking back at it now, we could say we were prepared for it as we had some doomsday movies that should have prepped us for how to survive the pandemic if only, we were attentive to them.

To avoid a future occurrence where we would search for tips to stay alive, we have decided to help you by highlighting some doomsday movies from which we can learn one or two survival tips.

There are a lot of doomsday movies that you can binge on should you decide to learn doomsday survival tips.

But out of that whole lot, we have picked 30 thrilling and unforgettable doomsday movies that you’d love, and we have equally highlighted 30 delicious and equally electrifying meals and drinks that you can enjoy while you binge-watch!

So, come with us as we show you 30 thrilling Doomsday movies that you can watch and recipes that you can enjoy as you watch!