- Title: Matcha Cookbook: Discover the health benefits and uses of matcha with delicious recipes
- Author:Cora Barton
- Pages: 47
- Publisher (Publication Date): February 5, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08W3GTVRJ
- Download File Format:EPUB
We all know that Matcha is delicious but do you know what matcha really is? Matcha is bright green powder that is made grinding green tea leaves. The result, matcha, can be added to hot water to create a healthy green tea that is filled with nutrients. The fact that the tea is made from the actual grounded leaves makes it more nutritious than regular green tea that is just infused in water then discarded.The best part about matcha is that it can be used for so much more than tea. It can be used in main dishes, side dishes and juices all with their own benefits and tastes. This Matcha Cookbook, will explore 50 delicious and creative ways to make use of matcha.