- Title: Marvelous Mexican Recipes: A Clever Cookbook of South of the Border Dish Ideas!
- Autor: Anthony Boundy
- Pages:74
- Publisher (Publication Date): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2018-07-04
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1722412607
- Download File Format: EPUB
Mexican cooking is wildly popular in many countries other than its home. It has influenced the cuisine of some countries, with its spicy tastes. Would you like to learn to cook authentic south of the border recipes? This cookbook will help to teach you how. The cuisine of Mexico draws on various staples like corn and chili peppers. Corn is used to make masa recipes, from which corn tortillas are created. Tortillas are used across many types of recipes in Mexico. Mexican cuisine also includes some yummy comfort food. From their stews and soups to enchiladas and burritos, the dishes are never short on flavor. The side dishes add to the unique taste, from all kinds of salsas, to rich moles and Pico de Gallo. Would you like to learn to integrate Mexican tastes into your recipes at home? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This cookbook has all kinds of Mexican ideas for you. Check out these 30 Mexican dishes that are easy to make and irresistible. Your family will love them, and they will impress your dinner guests, too. Try some of these intriguing recipes today!