Juice and Smoothie by ALLEN SHUVRO [EPUB:B09135S6Z2 ]

Juice and Smoothie by ALLEN SHUVRO

  • Title:Juice and Smoothie : 20 Juice and Smoothie Recipes: A Simple Cookbook For Restaurant favorite
  • Pages:158
  • Publisher (Publication Date):March 24, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:B09135S6Z2
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Smoothies and juices are a delicious and easy way to add more fruit and vegetables into your diet and satisfy cravings between meals. Organized by principal health benefit—gut health, heart health, silky skin, post-workout recovery, and reducing inflammation—every recipe includes a detailed explanation about why it’s so good for you.