Italian Vegetarian Cooking, New, Revised Edition by Paola Gavin [0871317699, Format: PDF]

Italian Vegetarian Cooking, New, Revised by Paola Gavin

Print Length: 285 Pages
Publisher: M. Evans & Company
Publication Date: September 29, 1994
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0871317699
ISBN-13: 978-0871317698
File Format: PDF

This book lived up to all my expectations. First of all and most importantly the recipes work and are not too complicated or time consuming. She does assume a certain level of competency in the Kitchen (she will often give a rough time and then qualify it such as “cook for an hour or until it is tender but firm” and she assumes you know what it means to grill, saute etc. If you have these basic skills everything will work very well for you – if you are a beginner in the kitchen or like everything tightly defined look elsewhere.

Another thing I like about the book is that she gives the recipes a regional context – there is an opening chapter about different regions and their specialties and then for every chapter of the recipes (which is broken down as “Antipasti, Soups, Sauces etc) she sub-divides them by region and has something to say that places the food in the context of the region. She also gives you the Italian names. If you like to tour Italy you can find or recreate the things you eat.

In some ways she reminds me in her approach of a vegetarian Claudia Rodin.