Healthy&Delicious by Priscilla Sousa [PDF: B09PHRN1XX]

Healthy&Delicious by Priscilla Sousa [PDF: B09PHRN1XX]

  • Title: Healthy&Delicious
  • Author: Priscilla Sousa
  • Pages:168
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Priscilla Santini Sousa Ltd. (September 24, 2021)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09PHRN1XX
  • Download File Format:PDF

The brilliant idea of this book came from the need to develop a whole new and fantastic

slimming programme, the ‘PFD Reset.’ Raquel wanted something new and exciting for her

patients. She became an admirer of Priscilla’s creations and decided to invite her to write this

special book.

The purpose of this cookbook is to transform your life in the kitchen and to change your views

about dieting. It has a unique combination of your everyday ingredients and the nutrition facts

you need to ensure you are following a well-balanced diet.

Priscilla will share the step-by-step of her wonderful creations which will not only inspire your

cooking but will also motivate your family to follow you in your healthy eating journey. Raquel

will make sure you have the correct portion and nutrients needed for a perfectly balanced diet.

Priscilla and Raquel will show you that you can eat most ingredients and obtain fantastic

creations and results while following a diet.

This book will bring simplicity to what sometimes seems so complicated. It will prove that

everyone can create something incredibly delicious from simple ingredients!