- Title: Grilling: A Home Chef’s Guide (Home Chef Guidebooks) (Volume 4)
- Autor: Perry P. Perkins
- Pages: 256
- Publisher (Publication Date): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2018-03-12
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1986491358
- Download File Format: EPUB
Grilling. It’s the most primitive of all the cooking methods. Picture our ancient ancestors spearing chunks of raw meat on sticks and gathering around a communal fire to cook their meal. What would summer be without the sights, and sounds, and smells of meat searing to perfection over glowing coals? The laughter of friends and family, and the sharing of a delicious, flame-kissed meal? “Grilling: A Home Chef’s Guide” includes dozens of Chef-tested, fully-illustrated recipes, tricks, techniques, and resources for grilling just about anything you can cook over fire! I guarantee that you will see an instant, and significant improvement in your outdoor cooking! No more wiener flambé, carbonized chicken, or particle-board steaks. Clear your calendar, strap on your apron, you’re about to become the grilling-god of your family! ~Chef Perry