Grill Meat Like a Grill Master by Jordan Franklin [EPUB: B08X3MB66C]

Grill Meat Like a Grill Master by Jordan Franklin

  • Title: Grill Meat Like a Grill Master: The techniques, strategies and secrets of the best grill masters in the world, to grill meat on the barbecue and in the oven
  • Author:Jordan Franklin
  • Pages:99
  • Publisher (Publication Date): February 20, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08X3MB66C
  • Download File Format:EPUB


Cooking meat is very often more of a pastime than a true passion.

This has led over the years to the proliferation of wrong methods and strategies, which have then become customs.

I therefore decided to write this book because I realized that the information in circulation is not only wrong, not only is it incomplete, but it is also the result of obvious conflicts of interest that do nothing but bring you even more confusion.

That’s why eating a steak that is as tender as butter, full of juices and with a tasty crust is almost impossible.


Unlike any other similar book, this one doesn’t aim to sell you anything. I don’t sell barbecue, I don’t sell meat, I don’t sell classes. I don’t sell anything.

This book is a concentration of information of the highest value from my experience that I have accumulated over more than 25 years, spending thousands of euros in travel, courses and masters … and that you can absorb quickly, effortlessly and virtually free.

This is a real crash course that will transform you in a few days from a simple enthusiast to a Grill Master capable of works of art that can only be seen in photos. I assure you that by reading this book, and faithfully putting into practice what you will discover, you will never want to eat meat again unless you cook it yourself. It’s mathematical.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in this book:

– The false parameters that insiders use to line your pockets and foist bad meat on you;

– The only 2 true parameters synonymous with excellent, tender, juicy meat… and they’re not “red” and “lean”;

– Why you need to immediately abandon the concept of “how long it takes” and what is instead the only scientific parameter to ALWAYS take into consideration;

– The cooking psychology that drastically separates beginners from professional Grill Masters;

– Reverse Searing: a killer technique for achieving the perfect degree of cooking and systematically redoing it whenever you want;

– An unfair Grill Master trick to dramatically increase the tenderness, and succulence of meat even if it was mediocre to begin with;

– What the Maillard Reaction is and how to get it every time systematically in 30 seconds flat;

– The 11 inviolable rules for using your oven as a true grill master

– The IMPRESCINDABLE feature that the Grill Master’s Barbecue must have;

– The only 2 techniques you need to use to cook on a barbecue;

– The smoke ring and how to get a perfect one: this parameter, although having a purely aesthetic function, is synonymous with a barbecue done well and divides beginners from grill masters.

And much, much more!