Dunder Muffin by Patricia Baker [EPUB: B087BQKN66]

Dunder Muffin by Patricia Baker

  • Title: Dunder Muffin: The Office Cookbook
  • Autor: Patricia Baker
  • Pages:
  • Publisher (Publication Date): April 19, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B087BQKN66
  • Download File Format: EPUB

“The office,” a show that changed the way we looked at the office life. They focussed on a bunch of ignoramus people forced to work in an office. This is a show that gave us one of the best television bosses in history.

The more you speak about the show, the less it seems. Right from deadpan comedy to unusual storylines, every episode ends up becoming a laugh riot.

Be it Michael’s stupidity, Dwight’s need for constant attention, Jim and Pam’s office romance, or Stanley’s no care attitude, each character is well thought of. They inevitably end up in a loop and tend to go through repeated situations.

Food is a big part of the office. Michael loves to eat and often engages in funny antics.

To help you recount all the food moments from the show, here is a cookbook with 30 recipes. These dishes were featured in the show and had a funny incident associated with them.

Let’s start!