Common Grounds by Lee Warren [EPUB: 1230006100056]

Common Grounds by Lee Warren [EPUB: 1230006100056]

  • Title: Common Grounds: Contemplations, Confessions, and (Unexpected) Connections from the Coffee Shop
  • Author: Lee Warren
  • Pages: 133
  • Publisher (Publication Date): 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1230006100056
  • Download File Format:EPUB

“Am I the only one?”

That question sent Lee Warren on a pilgrimage in which he visited 30 coffee shops in Omaha, Nebraska. This collection of heartfelt thoughts about love, loss, loneliness, and the deep need for connection is the result.

He ended up spending $136.42 on coffee and a few donuts, but it was a small price to pay for the commonality he felt between the patrons, baristas, and himself. And standing on common ground gave him strength in the most unexpected of ways.

Maybe it will do the same for you.