CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook by Dana Carpender [EPUB:0970493169 ]

CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook by Dana Carpender

  • Title:CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook: 50 Amazing Low-Carb & Gluten-Free Recipes For Your Healthy Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Author:Dana Carpender
  • Pages:118
  • Publisher (Publication Date): CarbSmart Publishing; 1st edition (May 1, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:0970493169
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Think you can’t have pancakes, brownies, pies or chocolate chip cookies on a low-carb, gluten-free diet? Think again!

Whether you’re new to the low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle or you’re a long-time veteran; you’re going to love the 50+ new mouthwatering recipes in CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook from CarbSmart Press.

The CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook is chock-full of sweet recipes that please the palate and leave you feeling great–without gluten and sugar! Two people known for and dedicated to the low-carb and Paleo lifestyle–Dana Carpender and Caitlin Weeks–have created these wonderful grain-free, sugar-free recipes. Carpender is the author of 20+ low-carb cookbooks including our own Fat Fast Cookbook, while Weeks, known as Grass-Fed Girl, is a holistic nutrition consultant, author, and popular blogger from San Francisco, CA. These columnists have collaborated on an amazing collection of recipes that you’ll want to make over and over.