- Title: Bring China into Your Home with a Dessert Cookbook: The Most Delicious and Easiest Traditional Chinese Recipes
- Autor: Molly Mills
- Pages: 57
- Publisher (Publication Date): May 25, 2019
- Language: English
- ISBN-10:
- ASIN: B07S7LC624
- Download File Format: EPUB
China is the 4th largest country in the world. The people there and also the climate vary dramatically. The temperature in the north can drop drastically, subarctic levels. In the center, there is the Gobi desert and the 4th largest in the world. Lastly, the temperature in the south reaches even tropical levels. Plus with 1.35 billion people, in China, there are 56 different ethnic groups.
Wait, I know this is a cookbook but I will make my point now. This large area, the different types of climate and different ethnic groups make China special in the cuisine section. Why? Because here there are so many different dishes you can try and still be traditional. You might even try the same dish but cooked differently with few different ingredients depending on where you have ordered it. That is why Chinese cuisine is so special and as well as their desserts.
Chinese desserts are both sweet and sour and each posses different but amazing flavor that you will fall in love with. But also, they tend to be careful with the look of the dessert too because they are always colorful.
So if you want to learn how to make the best Chinese Desserts and bring China into your home by just cooking desserts this book is all that you need.
With this book:
– You will learn many different Chinese recipes
– Easy to follow instructions
– Only original and traditional dessert recipes