Bento Looking Good by Sophia Freeman [B07V4WMZPZ, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: Bento Looking Good: Your Bento Companion
  • Autor:Sophia Freeman
  • Pages: 77
  • Publisher (Publication Date): July 12, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10:
  • Download File Format: EPUB

Here is another delightful to come out of Japan; Bento. It is a technique of serving lunches, and it does it right, otherwise, it wouldn’t have gotten so popular.

You may think it is easy to do it, and it is, actually. You just need a combination of determination, creativity, and dexterity. Not to worry, this cookbook will get you started on this and lead you towards the part of creating bento meals that will look good in photos, with amazing taste to match.