Barside by Retreat Magazine [PDF: 9780648829225]

Barside by Retreat Magazine

  • Title: Barside: The World’s Most Iconic Hotel Cocktails
  • Author:Retreat Magazine
  • Pages: 290
  • Publisher (Publication Date): RETREAT Magazine (June 1, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 9780648829225
  • Download File Format:PDF

Sip, Sip, Hooray! Cheers to these amazing hotel signature cocktails which have become destinations in their own right. Some are seasonal, some are whimsical, all are concocted to inspire. One of the most pleasurable ways to immerse yourself in your travels is to take in your surroundings while sipping on something delicious. In the meantime, make one of these authentic cocktails at home while you finalize your itinerary. These cocktails are sure to help inspire your next vacation.

BARSIDE showcases beautiful photographs and features over 150 extraordinary cocktails from Paris to Phuket. Get ready to shake, stir, and concoct the world’s most iconic hotel cocktails.