A Ticket To Tamilnadu by Meenakshi Renganathan [B07ST2X8YC, Format: EPUB]

  • Title: A Ticket To Tamilnadu: Easy-to-cook, unique recipes from 10 districts of Tamilnadu
  • Autor: Meenakshi Renganathan
  • Pages:
  • Publisher (Publication Date): June 4, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10:
  • ASIN: B07ST2X8YC
  • Download File Format: EPUB

1. Do you want to replace your usual cooking routine with something different? Without losing the traditional flavor?

2. Are you in the lookout for unique Tamil recipes?

3. How do expert chefs make their food taste authentic all the time? Are you aware of these little-known tips?

4. You want to relish traditional savories of Tamilnadu all at the comfort of your own kitchen?

Then buy yourself a ticket to a tasty Tamilnadu!

The author, a big-time foodie, takes you on a journey to 10 different districts of Tamilnadu. One district per chapter. Get to know the step-by-step instructions. An appetizer, a main course and a dessert, specific to every district.

Some of these recipes would make you say – “Oh yes, I have tasted this before somewhere. It tastes so damn good. But would I be able to make it the same way without losing out on the traditional flavor?”

The Tamil cuisine is so rich and diverse. This cookbook’s recipes have been hand-picked to represent that. The ingredients for all the recipes are easily available across the globe.

Are you ready to embark on this tasty and happy journey?

Smash the buy button now to get started!