A Long and Messy Business by Rowley Leigh [EPUB: 1783525193]

A Long and Messy Business by Rowley Leigh

  • Title: A Long and Messy Business
  • Author: Rowley Leigh
  • Pages: 416
  • Publisher (Publication Date):Unbound (October 1, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1783525193
  • Download File Format:EPUB

‘I get fed up with the number of cookbooks that promise quick and easy meals, those that promise a three-course dinner that can be knocked up in thirty minutes. Most cooking, and certainly most enjoyable cooking, takes a little longer. I can knock something up in a hurry if I have to there are plenty of quick and easy recipes in this book but that ability was a long time in the acquisition, and I still prefer to take my time, in order to do it better than I did it last time.’

These recipes and essays, first published in the Financial Times, are a distillation of Rowley Leigh s forty years as both a professional chef and a home cook. They detail with precision and wit how to cook and enjoy both unusual and familiar ingredients through the seasons. With Leigh s succinct wine recommendations and over 120 recipes, this is a book to get messy with overuse in the kitchen and to pore over in an armchair with a glass of the author s beloved Riesling close to hand.