- Title: The Ultimate Air Fryer Recipe Book: Mouthwatering Air Fryer Dishes for the Modern Family including Weekend Lunchtime Favourites
- Author:Bill Williams
- Pages: 101
- Publisher (Publication Date): March 13, 2022
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN:B09VHYC954
- Download File Format:EPUB
The Ultimate Air Fryer Recipe Book
Mouthwatering Air Fryer Dishes for the Modern Family
< including Weekend Lunchtime Favourites >
If you have recently bought yourself a brand-new air fryer, you’re probably very excited to start using it. Air fryers have grown in popularity over recent years and it’s no surprise when you realise how easy they are to use and how many health benefits they can provide.
In this recipe book, you’ll learn more about the amazing air fryer as well as how they work and who should use them. This book will also quickly run through the main advantages and potential drawbacks of using an air fryer.
After this, we will get straight into the recipes. Whether you’re a beginner to cooking and you have almost no culinary experience or you have been cooking for years and consider yourself a pro, this recipe book will have everything you need to start using your new air fryer.
This recipe book contains lots of recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as several delicious snacks. All of the recipes can be made using an air fryer and every ingredient in every single recipe can be found in your local grocery store or online if you’re in the UK, USA, or Canada.
We have listed the nutritional information on every recipe, making it easy for you to track your calorie intake and your macronutrient intake each day. Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipe in this book has a breakdown of the number of calories per serving, and the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in each serving.
So, get your air fryers ready and let’s get started!